Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1043: Jump off the building

"I will let you ******** now!" Wu Huangxie said with a smile.

Tian Cheng was terrified, and looked around while throwing things.

The road leading to the door was blocked by Wu Chun. She used to throw herself into a net, and the door must not be opened, Gong Fei must have been locked from the outside.

There are windows!

Although Gong Fei's house is on the fourth floor, she has no other choice!

Fortunately, it was on the fourth floor, there was no security window, otherwise she would only be ruined by Wu Yan today!

Tian Cheng lifted the bedside table with both hands, slammed it at Wu Chun, then rushed to the window, hurriedly twisting the lock of the window.

"What are you doing?!" Wu Huang shouted.


Tian Cheng opened the window, and a cold wind blew in.

Wu Spring shuddered and rushed to grab her leg.

Tian Cheng clung to the window tightly, kicked back and crawled out.

Wu Spring held her feet, and Tian Cheng simply pulled her feet out of the boots.

Wu Spring planted her boots on the ground, got up and saw that she jumped down.

Bang-bang bang-

There were several loud noises in succession, Wu Chun was sweating all over, climbed to the window and found that the canopy downstairs was smashed, Tian Cheng lying on the ground motionless.

From his position, only Tian Cheng's two feet can be seen, one is wearing boots and the other is not.

He was startled, threw his boots on the ground, turned and opened the door and walked out.

Gong Fei came over: "What's the matter? What is that sound?!"

Wu Spring buckled his belt while walking, and ran away in a panic.

Gong Fei walked into the room and gasped without seeing Tian Cheng.

Feeling the cold wind coming in from the window, she ran to the window and saw a person lying on the ground. Although the upper body was covered by the canopy, it was mostly Tian Cheng.

Someone downstairs heard voices appearing around Tian Cheng, screaming while looking up.

Gong Fei hid in fright, and heard the people downstairs talking: "It seems that it fell from the fourth floor."

"Isn't this their niece? It's Tian Cheng!"

"Yes, yes... Her parents are divorced."

"Call now! Call her mother!"

After a while, the ambulance came.

Gong Fei didn't dare to look down and didn't know what was going on.

Hu Yinghong got the news and hurried back, grabbing her and asking: "What's the matter? Why is Tian Cheng here?"

"I...I don't know!" Gong Fei cried, "How is she? Is she okay?"

"I... where do I know?" Hu Yinghong didn't dare to look, "I...should I tell your dad first?"

Gong Fei thought about it in a panic, and felt that it would be good for Uncle Gong to know about this, if Tian Cheng died, she would never be allowed to go to jail! Then the family has to discuss a countermeasure and make this happen!


In the hospital, my sister-in-law rushed to the operating room, doctors and nurses came in and out, she grabbed people and asked, "How is my daughter?"

"Don't worry, there is no life-threatening." The nurse took the time to answer.

The sister-in-law breathed a sigh of relief, and chanted Amitabha Buddha with her hands together, begging the gods and bodhisattvas for blessing.

The nurse asks her to sign, she signs, asks her to pay, she pays. After waiting for a long time, Tian Cheng came out of the operating room.

The doctor said: "There are multiple fractures throughout the body. Fortunately, there is no injury to the head and spine. There is no risk of dementia and paralysis. The leg fractures are serious. It depends on the specific recovery situation. It may be a wheelchair in the future."

My sister-in-law shook her body and burst into tears, covering her face, "What evil did I do..." (to be continued~^~)

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