Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1044: Why do not you go to hell!

It took two hours before Tian Cheng woke up.

My sister hurriedly asked: "What do you think? Are you thirsty?"

Tian Cheng looked at her: "Mom... I... Am I still alive?"

"Of course you are alive!" My sister cried, "Do you hurt?"

"It hurts..." Tian Cheng cried, "It hurts..."

She felt pain all over her body.

"Don't cry or cry, mom is here." The sister-in-law held her head.

Her hands, feet and ribs were broken, and my sister-in-law did not dare to touch her other places.

Tian Cheng gritted her teeth and said: "It's Gong Fei...Mom! Call the police! Catch her!"

"What's wrong with her? She pushed you down?" My sister asked hurriedly.

Tian Cheng shook his head: "It's not... She tricked me into the house, trying to make someone **** me..."

"What?" The sister-in-law was surprised.

Tian Cheng cried: "That person should be the father of her child, and I don't know what she is thinking...If I don't jump off the building, they will be ruined!"

My sister-in-law was so angry that she trembled: "Gong Fei! She... she deceived people too much!"

Tian Cheng cried for a long time, and my sister-in-law also cried: "Our family has no men anymore, let them bully..."

Tian Cheng choked, helplessly persuade her in turn. After persuading for a long time, she finally stopped crying, and came back to comfort Tian Cheng.

Finally, when it was late, she said, "I'll go buy some food."

After dinner, my sister-in-law went home to pack her things and was going to the hospital to accompany her in bed at night.

Back home, the more she thought about it, the more angry she got.

Gong Fei did this to kill her family Tian Cheng!

Seeing the fruit knife on the table, she picked it up and put it in her clothes and walked towards Uncle Gong's house.

It's getting dark, and at the gate of Uncle Gong's residential area, there are several owners who are discussing the afternoon with the security.

My sister-in-law passed them in a hurry, everyone was stunned, and hurriedly asked, "Isn't that Tian Cheng's mother? Go and see, don't get anything wrong."

"This person's private affairs are not easy to manage, right?" The security guard hesitated for a moment, and followed him slowly.

Sister Gong walked to the door of Uncle Gong's house, raised her hand and rang the doorbell vigorously.

Hu Yinghong saw her in the cat's eyes and turned her head and whispered, "The little girl is here, what should I do?"

Uncle Gong said, "What can I do? Your daughter did a good job! Tian Cheng is my niece!" After that, he went over and opened the door.

"Little sister--" Uncle Gong was a little guilty.

Although he knew that Gong Fei was not doing the right thing, Gong Fei was his daughter after all, and he hadn't managed well.

Miss Gong didn't hear him at all, she stared at Gong Fei straight, put her hands on her chest, and walked towards her slowly.

Gong Fei hid behind Hu Yinghong and shouted: "It's none of my business! My boyfriend came to see me, but she seduce my boyfriend!"

"You--" The sister-in-law was very angry, and took the knife out of her arms, "You dare to spit blood!"

"Ah—" Hu Yinghong screamed, "You are crazy! Husband! Call the police! Call the police!"

My sister-in-law raised the knife in her hand and pierced towards Gong Fei, who kept hiding behind Hu Yinghong. My sister-in-law slashed Hu Yinghong's face. Hu Yinghong covered her face and screamed and ran away. My sister-in-law rushed to Gong Fei and pushed her to the ground.

"Ah--" Gong Fei screamed, "Child...my child!"

My sister-in-law raised the knife and pierced her belly fiercely: "I told you to kill my daughter! I told you to kill my daughter! You grinning! Why don't you die!"

"Ah-ah -" Gong Fei screamed again and again.

"What are you doing? Stop it!" The security guard hurried over and pulled the sister-in-law away. (To be continued~^~)

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