Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1046: I'll go to jail for several years.

Zeng Shuai's face was a bit awkward, and he put on his pants with one hand: "Which eye do you see?"

"Then are you going or not?"

"Go~ I will trouble you next time if I have something to do!"

"Yes! You remember to bring a lawyer, an orthopedic doctor."

Zeng Shuai was taken aback, orthopedic doctor?

"Are you going to trouble Dean Yu?" he asked.

"Do you think Dean Yu will go now?" Ding Dang is about to give birth in about a month.

"Okay, I know." Zeng Shuai hung up quickly, frowning.

I need a lawyer and a doctor again. What happened? !

...What is going on with him being a little flustered?


Zeng Shuai arrived at Nanjiang, it was already two o'clock in the morning. While waiting for the plane in Beijing, he had already called Nanjiang police to find out what happened.

He arranged for someone to arrest Wu Huang. After arriving in Nanjiang, he got news that Wu Huang had fled abroad.

Zeng Shuai sneered: "He runs fast! What about escaping abroad? He has the ability to escape the earth!"

When he arrived at the hospital, he quietly walked into Tian Cheng's ward.

Tian Cheng was lying on the bed, frowning and it seemed painful, probably because the injury on her body was too painful.

He stared at her for a while, and saw her breathing regularly, his heart finally calmed down, but it hurt a bit.

Tian Cheng was taken aback, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at him defensively.

He was also taken aback and stood up straight.

Tian Cheng recognized him and was greatly relieved. She thought...Wu Huang was here again.

Zeng Shuai estimated that she hadn't slept well, so he appeared by the bed and she soon woke up. She should be worried that something like that would happen again when Wu Huang came back.

He whispered: "You sleep well. I brought the lawyer over, and there will be nothing wrong with your mother. Wu Jing has fled abroad, and he arranged for someone to find him. If he dares to come back, he will be caught in the first place. , Won't hurt you anymore."

"Thank you..." Tian Cheng thought of the scene at that time, and was afraid for a while.

What if she is really succeeded by Wu Huang?

she does not know.

There is no if in life. Fortunately, that incident did not happen, so she didn't have to think about it.

"Then you... take a good rest." Zeng Shuai didn't know how to comfort her. "You can tell me if you have anything."

"thank you, I know now."

Zeng Shuai nodded: "Then I'll go to the police station first."

"My mother--" Tian Cheng said, "If she has any news, please tell me as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I have understood the situation, she will be fine. The BOSS arranged a lawyer, and she will definitely be acquitted. As for Gong Fei...Should you say that she will be in jail for several years."

Tian Cheng gritted his teeth: "Sit for a lifetime!"

Upon hearing this, Zeng Shuai stretched out his hand to touch her face.

She glared over.

His hand froze in the air, and he retracted it awkwardly after a while: "Then you rest first."


At ten o'clock in the morning, Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan rushed to the hospital. The police were recording a confession to Tian Cheng.

"Auntie Biao--" Hu Zi called out long.

Tian Cheng lay on the bed, turned to look at them, and smiled: "Huzi, cousin, cousin..."

Gong Mo walked over quickly and saw her body wrapped in bandages, like a mummy, distressed: "What did the doctor say?"

"It's okay. Fortunately, it was only broken." Tian Cheng smiled, "I also feel very lucky."

"Don't say silly things." They are all lying in bed, where are you still lucky?

"Auntie Biao..." Hu Zi reached out to touch Tian Cheng.

Gong Mo hurriedly held him, "Don't touch Auntie Ciao, Aunt Ciao will hurt." (To be continued~^~)

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