Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1050: Are you fancy people?

After arriving in Beijing, Tian Cheng asked Gong Mo to go to school to ask for leave.

How could Sheng Nanxuan let Gong Mo do such trivial matters, so he let Fang Yang do it, and Fang Yang still threw it to Zeng Shuai.

Zeng Shuai went to school to complete the formalities and helped Tian Cheng get the book and class schedule. Although she doesn't have to go to class, she can see the number and importance of the courses from the class schedule, and the teacher's name is on the class schedule. If she encounters problems in self-study, she can contact the teacher.

Zeng Shuai walked outside the ward with a book, and saw Tian Cheng and his sister-in-law talking to the laptop.

He knocked on the door, and my sister-in-law took a look and hurriedly put the computer away.

Zeng Shuai walked in, put the book aside, and said to Tian Cheng: "You took too long to ask for leave, and the school is not easy to deal with. You are approved for a one-year suspension. If you get better on the way, you can go back at any time. You have to make up for the course yourself. Your head teacher and department head said, you don’t need to worry, healing your injury is the first priority."

"Okay..." Tian Cheng nodded and said politely, "Thank you."

Seeing her being so polite, Zeng Shuai couldn't find anything to say. Although he has a rich love history, he has never taken the initiative and has no experience in talking to girls.

He thought for a long time, when Tian Cheng saw him standing stupidly without saying a word, he asked in confusion, "Are there anything else for you?" If nothing happened, he left quickly!

Zeng Shuai suddenly remembered something and said: "Wu Feng has caught it and is being sent back to the country. When you recover from your injury, the court will notify you to open the court."

Tian Cheng was startled, and nodded hurriedly.

"Then I'll go first." Zeng Shuai turned around, walked two steps back, and handed over his business card, "You can contact me if you have anything."

Tian Cheng held a business card, which simply read "Zeng Shuai, President of Stellar Entertainment."

She raised her head and said, "I have troubled you recently."

"It should." Zeng Shuai turned and went out.

After a while, my sister-in-law took the computer back to Tian Cheng, "The people under the hands of husband Mo Mo are scary."

Tian Cheng couldn't help but smile: "Where is it scary? He looks more handsome than a celebrity, how can he scare you?"

"I'm not saying that he looks, but the momentum does not understand?" The sister-in-law rolled her eyes, suddenly felt something was wrong, and stared at her with shining eyes, "You said he is handsome? You shouldn't treat him--"

Tian Cheng was speechless: "What are you guessing? I'm just stating objective facts! Quickly, quickly, help me code words!"

Because of her injuries, her online novel has not been updated for several days. Now that the arm is broken, although the fingers can move, it takes too much time to type, and it will cause pain in the chest and ribs if it moves the whole body.

It just so happened that my aunt had nothing to do all day, so she thought of a wonderful way-to dictate by herself, and let my aunt help me type into the computer! Just now, she was teaching my sister-in-law to use word documents.

My sister-in-law scowled: "Don't change the subject! Are you looking at someone else?"

"Who wants to see him?" Tian Cheng cried, "Look at his business card. He is the president of an entertainment company. He is surrounded by big stars who are fat and thin every day. Do you know how much he cares about him? I see such a person. Got it?"

"That's it..." The sister-in-law was a little disappointed, "I also said that the young man is very energetic, you can seize the opportunity."

"..." How old is she? Mom actually started planning this kind of thing!

My sister-in-law set up the computer: "Come on, teach me."

Tian Cheng looked at the computer screen and couldn't concentrate for a while. Thinking of Zeng Shuai’s words, she said, “You can see if you can sell the house and get a lawyer's fee. The lawyer my cousin knows must be very expensive. Let’s prepare first. Then, let’s pay as much as we can. Estimate him I dare not speak loudly." (To be continued~^~)

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