Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1051: I'm going to take you to kindergarten in a few days

"We are here, how do we sell the house?" my sister asked.

Tian Cheng thought for a while, and said: "Whether it is handed over to an intermediary or put on the Internet, the buyer intends to look at the house. You are here, no way..."

"Yes indeed!"

"I'm relieved to give it to my cousin, I'm afraid she will buy it on our back!"

"No way!" The sister-in-law was surprised.

Tian Cheng snorted: "Even if she doesn't, the cousin-in-law may have arranged this way. The cousin-in-law is crazy to meet his cousin."

My sister-in-law poked her head: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Ah -" Tian Cheng cried out in pain, "You lighten it! Fortunately, my spine was not injured, otherwise your head would fall to the ground with this prick!"

"You--" My sister-in-law stared wide, imagined the scene, and was startled.

"Forget it, let's solve the house matter ourselves!" Tian Cheng said hurriedly, "Hurry up! My inspiration comes, I know how this prince is going to die!"


Sheng Nanxuan and Gong Mo took Huzi to Yu's house for dinner.

Yu Xinran had already returned to Beiyao with Lu Wei. Gong Mo felt a little uncomfortable with the lack of someone in the family, but the Yu family seemed to be used to it.

"Grandpa~Grandma~~" Hu Zi flew towards Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong.

Wu Surong hugged him onto the sofa, and he called others next to him.

Wu Su Rong smiled and said, "Be good! Good! Come, grandma has prepared a gift for you."

Huzi blinked: What day is today? Why are there gifts?

Wu Surong raised a small schoolbag from behind the sofa: "Hey~ your parents said that they will send you to kindergarten in a few days, and grandma will give you a small schoolbag!"

Huzi held the schoolbag curiously, and said in a puzzled way: "Schoolbag?" What is it?

"Quickly thank grandma," Gong Mo reminded.

Huzi looked up and said loudly, "Thank you, grandma!"

"Good-looking~" Wu Surong said with a smile, "Open it up and have a look, there are stationery and toys that your uncle and uncle bought for you."

Huzi heard this, opened it with the help of an adult, took a look, and then said thank you to the person who gave the gift next to him.

"Try it." Wu Surong helped him carry the schoolbag on her back.

He didn't know what it was. He was curious and liked it. He ran around on his back and took risks all over the house. After a while, he learned to take it down and stuff the snack toys he saw inside.

Gong Mo laughed out of breath: "Stop it! That's your little cousin's!"

"Little cousin?" Hu Zi wondered, what is the little cousin?

He continued to stuff his schoolbag, and then ran around with his back on his back.

Yu Qingliu grabbed him, untied the bag and took out the rattle inside.

Huzi looked at him innocently: The schoolbag is out of space, pretend to play for a while! I won't take it away!

"Does she know!" Yu Qingliu pointed at Dingdang's belly with a rattle.

Huzi climbed over carefully, staring at Ding Dang's belly.

Ding Dang was eating melon seeds, and gave him the melon seeds in his hand.

He shook his head, continued to stare at her belly, and asked, "Brother? Sister?"

Ding Dang smiled: "It's not a brother or sister."

"I want younger brothers and sisters, find your father!" Yu Qingliu hugged him.

At this moment, a servant came over and said to Wu Surong, "Old lady, Master Wu Er is here."

"Wu Lao Er?" Wu Surong frowned, "What is he doing?"

Yu Zhengming also frowned, and said helplessly: "Send him in." (To be continued~^~)

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