Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1059: Wouldn't it be Tian Cheng?

The editor-in-chief explained: "Stellar Entertainment wants to buy the film and television rights of several novels. The website wants to take the opportunity to launch a great **** for key promotion, but this person is selected..."

Gong Mo understands, everyone is divided on the candidates.

She asked: "What are the candidate authors?"

"In this way, in fact, we all prefer this author named Orange Butian." The editor opened the PPT, and several novels written by Orange Butian appeared on the screen.

"She has been there since she opened her station. She writes very well and has been published. But the last two months have not been updated, and she has not come to the annual meeting when she is asked. We wonder if she is about to change jobs... , Pushing her is not good for the company!"

"What about the other?"

"Others are very compatible with the website, and the popularity is also very high, but the quality of the book is not as good as orange is not sweet. Orange is not sweet every book is published. Although the popularity of other people's books is good on the Internet, they are not very popular. Sure. So in terms of promoting movies and TV, we certainly want to push Orange Unsweet Books, so as not to smash the brand of the website. Moreover, Stellar Entertainment and we are the same family, and the novels for them must of course be of good quality."

"Orange is not sweet..." Gong Mo touched his chin, feeling that the name was a bit familiar.

A female editor said: “It’s strange that this orange is not sweet. I read her Weibo or something. She should be in Beijing. But if you ask her to come to the company, she won’t come; if you ask her to use photos for publicity, she won’t give it to me; I joked that if her book is filmed on TV, she will show up to promote it. She said that it's okay to film on TV, but recently there was a car accident, and she might have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life and she doesn't want to show up."

"There was a car accident? Is this the reason for the interruption?" the editor-in-chief asked.

"I asked her, she said she was okay, she had been discharged from the hospital, and she didn't know if it was true or not."

Another editor said: "Other authors decided to make changes, and there is no reason to make up a reason. If she really had a car accident, she should just say it?"

Gong Mo suddenly asked: "Have you seen her information?"


"Her signing information!" Gong Mo said, "Show me!"

The editor-in-chief said: "I'm looking for a contract editor."

During the waiting time, Gong Mo bit his lip and thought: Orange is not sweet, wheelchair...couldn't it be Tian Cheng? Can she write novels? She said before that she found a way to make money, could it be this?

Tian Cheng kept saying that he wanted to make money, but he ran home during the winter and summer vacations. It would be no surprise if he was writing a novel. The more I think about it, the more suspicious.

Soon, Orange Butian’s signing information was sent to the editor’s computer, and he zoomed in on the information under the projector.

When Gong Mo saw the copy of his ID, it was Tian Cheng.

She couldn't help laughing: "This girl..."

"What's the matter?" the editor-in-chief asked.

"It's okay, just her." Gong Mo said, "Since you write well, don't worry about anything else. Quality is the first element."

The President's wife said so, how dare you object, and nodded hurriedly.

Gong Mo smiled and stood up, "I have something to do, let's go. By the way, give me a copy of her information."

"Madam, please." The editor-in-chief sent her out of the conference room.

Other editors notified outside colleagues in the chat group that when Gong Mo went out, the information had been copied.

Gong Mo was holding the documents, and Tian Cheng's ID had been copied so that he couldn't see his appearance.

She asked the editor-in-chief: "Didn't it mean that her book was published? Is there any in the company?" (to be continued~^~)

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