Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1060: I took a wedding photo next month

"Yes! The books published by the website authors are available in the company."

"Then give me a set." Gong Mo said after a meal, "Do you have more? Without me buying it myself."

"It's okay, it's all from the publishing house, how many. It just seems to have been overturned, so Madam doesn't dislike it."

"Don't dislike it. Arita Orange... Isn't the signature of Orange not sweet?"

"No," the editor-in-chief said helplessly, "I signed it for fear that they would take it home."

Gong Mo couldn't help laughing. He took the book and went upstairs to find Sheng Nanxuan. Sheng Nanxuan's private office was upstairs.

Walking outside the office, the secretary saw her holding a book and hurriedly stood up: "Madam? Do you want me to help you?"

"No need~ You can open the door for me." Gong Mo said with a smile.

The secretary hurriedly got up and pushed the door open.

Sheng Nanxuan was dealing with the matter, and the secretary was afraid that he would blame him, and hurriedly explained: "Madam is here."

Sheng Nanxuan could guess with his toes that Gong Mo was holding something, otherwise he didn't need others to help open the door.

He immediately got up and went to help. Seeing Gong Mo holding the book, he couldn't help but ask: "Did you go and move the book?"

"It's your company anyway~" Gong Mo said with a smile.

Sheng Nanxuan walked over, took the book in her hand, and glanced at the cover: "It's a romance novel again? You love to read it in high school. It hasn't changed yet?"

"I am in love~"

"Hehe, what does the detective novel say?"

"It's all novels~" Gong Mo looked innocent.

"I'll spare you!" Sheng Nanxuan snorted, thinking of his long love for him, but still fell in love with Sheng Dongbi.

Well, he did his own death, hypnotized her memory, and didn't pay attention to her in those few years.

He put the book on the coffee table and pulled her to sit down, "When the weather gets hot again next month, we will take a wedding photo."

They plan to make up the wedding this year, and they are only two months away, and they are almost ready now.

But because the weather was too cold before, the wedding photos were never taken.

"Next month is May, it's summer, will it be too hot?" Gong Mo asked.

"Hot is better than cold. Your body is not what it used to be. Now the weather looks warm and you may catch a cold with a gust of wind."

"It might be heat stroke~" Gong Mo muttered softly.

Sheng Nanxuan pulled her to her lap and squeezed her nose: "Then we will shoot the indoors and the fake scenes."

Gong Mo hesitated and said, "Let's take the real scene!" If you have that condition, you don't need to take it!

"Then we will go to Italy at the beginning of next month, come back with our parents and the others after the filming, and then shoot a few sets in Huanyuan."

"I like Italy~" Gong Mo smiled.

"Just know you like it~" Sheng Nanxuan lifted her chin and kissed her.

Gong Mo put his arms around his neck and responded for a while, and found that he was a little fit, and hurriedly pushed him away, "Wait I have something to tell you!"

"What's the matter?" Sheng Nanxuan was dissatisfied. Sheng Yiting works as an electric light bulb every night, so he can't make it out during the day?

Gong Mo glared at him. Intimacy can't be in the office!

Sheng Nanxuan hummed. He wants to try the office!

Gong Mo was too lazy to pay attention to him, and pulled out the copy paper from the book: "What do you think this is?"

Sheng Nanxuan glanced suspiciously and looked at the books in surprise: "These are all written by Tian Cheng?"


"Unexpectedly, she still has this skill!"

"Neither did I expect it. But it is reasonable, after all, she will be a screenwriter in the future." (To be continued~^~)

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