Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1098: Waiting for your husband to save you

She looked around, picked up the life ring on the ground and slammed it towards Sheng Dongbi.

Sheng Dongbi seemed to have seen her movement, and with a wave of his hand, the lifebuoy flew into the sea, and Gong Mo fell down!

With a puff, she fell into the sea.

Sheng Dongbi looked at her for a while, stretched out his hand to pull her up, picked up the rope next to her and tied her up!

"Hey~" He patted her face, "Observe, wait for your husband to rescue you."

"What do you want to do..." Gong Mo stared at him.

"What do you mean?"

Kill him!

When Nan Xuan came to rescue him, he lay in ambush to kill him, just like Huo Cheng thought!

"You are not his opponent!" Gong Mo said confidently.

"But you are his weakness."

Gong Mo suffocated and took a sip of water on his face: "Victory is not martial!"

"He is a monster, I am a man, it would be unfair to me if I don't use you."

"You are the monster!"

"Um... it seems that you are very protective of him." Sheng Dongbi smiled, and scratched her face ambiguously, "Don't worry, we will wait for him."


Sheng Nanxuan got into the sea and swam to the crash site, and found that Gong Mo was no longer there.

He got out of the water, took a look at the front, and continued to swim past. After swimming a few times, he went back and swam back to the beach.

At this moment, his men came in a helicopter.

Several helicopters circled twice in the sky and stopped on the beach.

Fang Yang got off the plane and ran to Sheng Nanxuan: "BOSS——"

Sheng Nanxuan sighed: "You actually came, didn't you accompany your girlfriend?"

"..." He is not Zeng Shuai! With a woman, even BOSS is ignored!

Sheng Nanxuan kicked him angrily, and Fang Yang felt wronged. He has been chasing after Gong Mo when he saw an accident. Why did he kick him?

"What do you stop for?! Chase me!" Sheng Nanxuan shouted.

Fang Yang lowered his head and said, "There is not enough oil."

Sheng Nanxuan: "..."

After a few seconds, he kicked over to these people: "What's the use of raising you?! Go and find a boat! Hurry!"

"Yes!" everyone agreed and split up.

Sheng Nanxuan touched her body, but found nothing. Fang Yang said, "Call Ding Yuan and ask him to arrange for someone from the military to support me!"


Gong Mo floated at sea all night, and finally fell asleep.

The wet wedding dress was on her, and she shivered in her sleep, dreaming of being imprisoned by Huo Cheng.

When I opened my eyes again, the sun was dazzling, and several seagulls hovered in the sky.

She moved, feeling that she was still tied up, and when she looked down, she yelled because it was not a rope, but a bomb!

She raised her head and saw Sheng Dongbi lying in a chair leisurely, gritted her teeth: "Sheng! Dong! Bi!"

"Look at the surrounding area, how quiet is it?" Sheng Dongbi asked.

Gong Mo glared at him, saw that he ignored himself, and looked around.

There is no one on the sea.

Gong Mo couldn't help being scared, staring at the bomb on his body and shrank into a ball against the ship's side. It's been a long time since she had eaten anything. There was an empty sound in her stomach and a dull pain in her stomach.

Sheng Dongbi looked at her and said with a faint smile: "Unexpectedly you still remember me, I am really flattered."

Gong Mo lowered her head, her wedding dress became dirty, and one of her beautiful crystal shoes was missing.

"Don't you love Sheng Nanxuan?" Sheng Dongzhu asked, "I changed my face, and you can recognize it at a glance. Could it be that you really love me in your heart? If so, I can consider letting you go." To be continued~^~)

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