"Bah!" Gong Mo raised his head and roared, "Don't dream! I have been with you for almost two years, even if it is a dog, I will remember its voice!"

Sheng Dongbi got angry and stood up with a gun and pointed the gun at her.

"You are a dog!" Gong Mo called.

Sheng Dongbi gritted his teeth and looked at her, shaking his fingers, slowly pulling the trigger.

Gong Mo stared at the muzzle, a little scared, but thinking of Sheng Nanxuan, she still straightened her neck.

If she lives to kill Sheng Nanxuan, then let her die! Then Sheng Nanxuan will definitely avenge her!


"Ah—" Gong Mo lowered his head in fear.

"Hahaha—" Sheng Dongbi laughed, "Do you think I will kill you if you make me angry?"


"I said, I want to wait for my good brother with you. If he doesn't come, why am I willing to kill you?"

Sheng Dongbin walked to her, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, slid his fingers across her face ambiguously, and then slowly slid to her chest.

There was also a bomb wrapped around her neck, and his hand slipped over the bomb and fell on her skin from time to time.

"Today, the three of us will die together!" Sheng Dongbi said viciously, "These bombs can blow up the ship to the point where there is nothing left!"

Suddenly, a whistle sounded.

Gong Mo suddenly raised his head and saw a ship appearing on the sea in the distance.

Gong Mo was worried and happy, it must be Sheng Nanxuan to rescue her! But how can this be saved?

Sheng Dongbi's face changed, he turned and walked away, holding the remote control to press, Gong Mo heard a ding sound, lowered his head, and found a clock tied to the bomb.

The clock began to count down.



On a small boat in the middle of the sea, Fang Yang held up his telescope: "There is a boat ahead!"

"Drive faster!" Sheng Nanxuan said.

Soon, the boat drove to the side of the ship, and a man appeared on the bow and smiled at him: "God of night! Long admiring the name!"

Sheng Nanxuan was taken aback, his eyes narrowed: "King...long Yang."

After speaking, he rose into the air, stepped on the hull and flew to the top, drew his gun and pointed it at King.


There were several sounds of bullets being loaded around, and Sheng Nanxuan saw that there were people standing around. In front of the deck, a bright red shadow stood.

He stared wide and shouted, "Lily?!"

Yu Qinghuan turned around and looked at him quietly.

Sheng Nanxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally saw her...

"BOSS!" Fang Yang's voice came from below the ship, "I saw Madam!"

Sheng Nanxuan hurriedly stopped, no matter whether the people around would hurt him or not, he hurried to the bow of the ship.

On a small boat in front of him, Sheng Dongzhu strangled Gong Mo's neck and stuffed the muzzle into her mouth.

The position he chose was not like the temple, no matter how powerful Sheng Nanxuan was, he would not dare to shoot Gong Mo easily.

If he put the gun to Gong Mo's temple, Sheng Nanxuan could easily hit him in the arm and let his gun fly out.

But at this position, Sheng Nanxuan hit him in the arm, and the gun in his hand had nowhere to fly. On the contrary, it might prompt him to pull the trigger!

Moreover, Gong Mo is now full of bombs!

"****!" Sheng Nanxuan shouted, as the ship got closer and closer, he jumped toward Sheng Dongbi's boat.

"Don't move!" Sheng Dongbi shouted, for fear that he would get close and let things get out of control.


Sheng Nanxuan was afraid that he would shoot and fell into the water.

"Hmm--" Gong Mo said excitedly with the barrel in his hand.

Sheng Nanxuan got out of the water and looked at Sheng Dongbi ferociously: "Let her go!" (to be continued~^~)

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