Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1104: You are not as handsome as your dad!

Sheng Yiting said: "Mom, as the shortest person in the family, is a little inferior. Dad, you should pay attention to her psychological condition!"

Sheng Nanxuan raised his fist and wanted to teach him, Gong Mo held it down: "Well, you! It's not naive to be as familiar with your son every day? Eat quickly. What if I'm late for a while?"

Sheng Yiting's eyes widened and looked at Gong Mo dissatisfied: She meant he was naive?

Sheng Nanxuan sat down and asked him, "Is there a parent meeting today?"

Sheng Yiting nodded and stuffed something into his mouth.

Sheng Nanxuan asked Gong Mo: "You go or me?"

"I'll go, you are so busy." Gong Mo said thoughtfully.

"That's fine, I'll send you to school, after the meeting you go to the company to find me."

Gong Mo nodded.

Sheng Yiting raised his eyebrows to look at them, and his expression was printed in the same mold as Sheng Nanxuan.

Hmph, parents must go on secret dates again. He has been used to seeing them show affection since he was a child.

After dinner, Gong Mo asked Sheng Yiting to change clothes.

Sheng Yiting sighed long and reluctantly went back to the room.

Gong Mo was puzzled, and asked Sheng Nanxuan, "What's wrong with him? It was fine the last two days. Suddenly, it's not a rebellious period?"

Sheng Nanxuan raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Rebellious? It doesn't matter, he dares to rebellious, I'll take care of him!"

Gong Mo slapped him on the back: "That's your son! Don't be an enemy!"

Sheng Nanxuan was silent for a few seconds, muttering in a low voice, "In a way, he is the enemy..."

For example: Take away Gong Mo's attention!

After a while, Sheng Yiting walked out wearing a handsome school uniform, carrying a schoolbag in his hand.

He went to the best aristocratic middle school in the country, with only eight sets of school uniforms a year. These school uniforms are not ordinary middle school sportswear, they are all designed by famous designers, and they are more beautiful than those in idol dramas.

Boys wear suits and ties all year round, and in winter there are windbreakers of European and American style.

Gong Mo was exasperated when he saw such a handsome son. Seeing that his tie was not fastened, he stretched out his hand to tidy it.

Sheng Nanxuan glanced at him and snorted heavily in his nose.

Sheng Yiting smiled and said: "Dad~ I'm going to be old~ I am indeed much handsomer than you, mom, don't you?"

"Okay you two!" Gong Mo pulled his tie fiercely.

"Cough—" Sheng Yiting hurriedly pulled away and exclaimed, "Mom, are you going to murder your parents and children?!"

"Who told you to run on your dad?"

"I'm just telling the truth!"

"To tell the truth? You stare at your dad's face, and if you dare to say an ugly word, then you are definitely not his own."

Sheng Yiting glanced at Sheng Nanxuan, and said that he was so handsome that he was instantly compared to him in terms of momentum!

At this point, he had to obey! Who calls his dad the night god~

Seeing him faint, Gong Mo said proudly, "You are not as handsome as your dad! Don't you just be tenderer than your dad? It seems like your dad is not tender before! When your dad was studying, he looked much better than you! Then again, have you matured?"

"Humph..." Sheng Yiting was depressed to death, "I know you two are embarrassed and always bully me!"

"Okay." Sheng Nanxuan was relieved physically and mentally by Gong Mo's call.

He knew that in Gong Mo's heart he was the most important!

He picked up Gong Mo's coat and walked out with his arms around her: "Let's go."

Gong Mo turned around and asked Sheng Yiting, "Aren't you wearing a coat? I just saw it was snowing outside."

"No, I'm not afraid of the cold!" Sheng Yiting said. (To be continued~^~)

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