Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1105: Does she like you?

"Being not afraid of cold does not mean not being cold! Hurry up and put it on! Do you know if you don't know?"

Sheng Yiting still wanted to refute, Sheng Nanxuan turned around: "Go and put it on!"

Sheng Yiting had to go back to the house to get his coat. After all, his dad's fists are very powerful. If he is not obedient now, and if he enters the gym together another day, his dad will retaliate against him for private purposes!

Gong Mo pushed Sheng Nanxuan away: "How about you?"

Sheng Nanxuan opened his hand and hugged her in his arms: "This way it won't be cold."

"Oh!" Gong Mo smiled and pushed him away, hitting him secretly, "The kid is at home, don't make trouble!"

"You can make trouble if you are not at home?" he asked in a low voice.

Gong Mo pinched him secretly: "Shut up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sheng Yiting came out carrying his coat.

"Hurry up!" Gong Mo urged, "I'm going to be late!"


Half an hour later, the car stopped outside the school. Sheng Yiting got out of the car, shook his coat twice, and threw his backhand on his back, making a series of neat movements.

Passing the girls could not help but screamed: "ah ah ah - so handsome!"

"I heard that he was a junior in the first grade?"

"My God~ Junior Brother is so tall?"

"That's why it's called Little Fresh Meat!"

Sheng Yiting stiffened, twisted his arms uncomfortably, and put on his clothes slowly.

In the car, Gong Mo was also wearing a coat, but Sheng Nanxuan helped her wear it.

After getting dressed, Sheng Nanxuan held her face and kissed: "We will go to the hospital together in a while."

Gong Mo nodded.

Sheng Nanxuan smiled, grabbed Sheng Yiting's schoolbag and threw it out.

Sheng Yiting hurriedly caught it, and Shengsheng suspected that he had picked it up. Otherwise, how could his father dislike him so much?

Gong Mo got out of the car, closed the door, bowed his head and waved to Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan also waved and told the driver to drive.

Seeing the car going away, Sheng Yiting put his hand on Gong Mo's shoulder: "Let's go, Mom~"

Gong Mo glanced at him and walked away from his hand to the school.

Walking outside Sheng Yiting's classroom, a girl suddenly jumped out and stood in the middle of the road, shouting, "Sheng Yiting!"

Gong Mo was startled and looked at Sheng Yiting.

Sheng Yiting was stunned and said, "This is the music committee member of our class."

Gong Mo smiled at the music committee member.

The little girl is growing beautifully, and it is estimated that she hasn't started to develop. She is only less than one meter and five meters tall, and she looks tender and flawless.

She probably didn't expect someone to show up with Sheng Yiting. She was a little shy, pinched the corner of her clothes and asked Sheng Yiting in a low voice, "Is this your sister?"

"Puff--" Sheng Yiting couldn't help but smile, "My mother."

"Ah..." The little girl looked at Gong Mo in a panic, "Auntie, hello! I...I'm Sheng Yiting's classmate, my name is—"

"It's okay." Gong Mo hurriedly interrupted her, smiling, "I will take Yi Ting to sign up first."

"Oh... good." The little girl stepped aside timidly and gave way to the two of them.

Most of the classrooms are students, with only two or three parents. The blackboard says: Please send your parents to Auditorium 1.

Sheng Yiting put down his schoolbag and said to Gong Mo: "Let's go~ My mother!"

Gong Mobai glanced at him: "Where did you learn it?"

Sheng Yiting stuck his tongue out, led him out, and went out, and saw the music committee wandering in the back door.

The two of them walked straight from the front door. Gong Mo saw that the girl seemed disappointed and asked Sheng Yiting in a low voice: "Does she like you?"

Sheng Yiting didn't even turn his head, and shouted to her: "Mom! Are you not? I'm only 13 years old, do you start worrying about your daughter-in-law?" (to be continued~^~)

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