Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1106: Don't be handsome

Gong Mo rolled his eyes: "Isn't I thrilled to think that there will be young men in my family?"

"You are excited because they call your sister, right?"

"Don't I look like my sister?"

"Like like..." Sheng Yiting nodded hurriedly, turned his head and said in a low voice, "My dad is fascinated every day, of course like!"

"what did you say?"

"Nothing!" Sheng Yiting grinned with white teeth.

Gong Mo heard the girls screaming in the classroom next to him, feeling very stressed.

Tsk~ My son has grown into a handsome guy in the blink of an eye, and it’s really worrying when he reaches the age of puppy love...

After going downstairs, Sheng Yiting suddenly became serious and said to her earnestly: "Mom, don't worry, I won't fall in love casually."

Gong Mo squinted at him, "So, there is still the possibility of a puppy love?"

"Hey~ If it feels like that, there is no way! But ordinary people, I definitely don't like it! The one just now..." He shook his head, "What's the identity of Dad? The whole school knows, she doesn't? Today is going to hold a parent conference. It must be my parent standing next to me. She just wants to call her sister to please you. This is too obvious."

Gong Mo raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Unexpectedly, you are quite clever!"

"How do you deserve to be your son if you don't have the brain?" Sheng Yiting shook the bangs on his forehead, handsome.

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that he would be deceived by a scheming girl! The purpose of the girl just now was too obvious. Girls in the first grade of junior high school, at most 13 or 4 years old, had this kind of scheming, which I have to say is a bit scary. So when the other party wanted to introduce herself, she interrupted in time.

"Ah--" there was a scream not far away.

Gong Mo looked over and saw the two girls holding the book aside, looking back at Sheng Yiting from time to time, his cheeks flushed.

She rolled her eyes helplessly and said to Sheng Yiting: "Don't be handsome all day long!"

"You gave birth to me, is it my fault?"

Gong Mo: "..." This sweet-mouthed, at first glance, is a disaster for the country and the people!

After arriving in the auditorium, Sheng Yiting returned to the classroom.

Parents are a place for parents to expand their contacts. And Gong Mo is someone else's contact. As soon as she entered the auditorium, people kept coming to say hello.

She didn't like these communication in her heart, but she also dealt with it seriously. Most people are very acquainted, and will leave after a few words. For those who are ignorant, she can only show a cold expression and force them to leave.

Walking all the way from the door to the seat, she pinched a lot of business cards in her hand.

Putting the business card away, she took off her coat and put it on her lap, flipping through the booklet on the table.

The parent next to him asked: "What's your son's name?"

"...Sheng Yiting."

"Sheng Yiting?! I heard he got the first place in the final exam last semester!"

"Huh? I only know the score, not the ranking..."

After chatting for a while, the teacher came and the parents were quiet.

The entire parent meeting went smoothly.

Our school is both rich and noble. Parents' meetings were held in the past, and there were always one or two parents quarreling with their status. Their class is okay, it was opened once last semester, and this time, everyone is very good.

The teacher knew it was all because of Sheng Yiting.

Sheng Yiting's parents are counted nationwide, and it is estimated that only the president dares to compare with him.

With such a character, how can other parents dare to mess around?

Sheng Yiting can get the first place in the exam, and the quality of his parents is certainly not bad. If you want to fawn, you must first learn to behave. (To be continued~^~)

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