Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1107: Are you ashamed to be jealous of old and son?

Gong Mo sat upright in the front row, with his back straight, holding a pen to record what the teacher said, looking like a good student.

Others saw it and learned it in a decent way, but many did not bring a pen.

Everyone can't help but complain in their hearts: No wonder they are the women of the night god, see how well prepared this is!

After Gong Mo finished recording, he couldn't help but admire himself: The shorthand ability has not been forgotten! It’s no problem to be a secretary for Sheng Nanxuan!

"Sneezes!" Sheng Nanxuan in the office sneezed and couldn't help thinking: You can't catch a cold, right? If I knew I was going out, I would listen to my wife and put on a coat.


When the parent meeting was held, teachers from all subjects showed up. The teacher taught the parents about the international competitions of various subjects, the number of exchange students for the school abroad, and said that they discovered the special talents of some students. As for which ones, I didn’t say clearly, lest the parents who were not named would be upset.

After the meeting, the parents communicated and understood one-on-one with the teacher, and opened up the future for their children.

Gong Mo also asked the head teacher, "Is Sheng Yiting usually obedient in school?"

"He..." The teacher paused, "Very good, I have been taking first place in the exam."

"It's only last semester and I can't tell." Gong Mo said modestly.

She really couldn't see it. She was always the first in elementary and junior high school, but she couldn't get away in high school.

The teacher smiled and said: "Except for the composition, it is all full marks, why can't it be seen? I think he is faster than others... Have you tested his IQ?"

"Uh..." The kindergarten tested it and it was quite tall.

But she didn't want him to be too maverick, just like other children, he didn't have to let people know that he was a genius.

After all, geniuses are lonely.

So knowing that he is very powerful, she and Sheng Nanxuan both disapprove of him skipping grades, and let him quietly be a schoolmaster among his peers.

The teacher said: "I saw him reading high school textbooks one day, and I was thinking, did he finish his junior high school knowledge by himself?"

"Uh..." Gong Mo said embarrassedly, "I will go back and ask him."

When she left the auditorium, she realized that it was too late, so she called Sheng Nanxuan: "I will accompany Yi Ting to dinner at school, and by the way, see how the food in their cafeteria is."

"So you are going to abandon me?" Sheng Nanxuan said dissatisfied.

"Don't be like this~" Gong Mo said coquettishly, "Are you ashamed to be jealous of your old son and son?"

"Humph~ I'm hanging up!" Sheng Nanxuan hung up the phone dissatisfied.

Gong Mo texted Sheng Yiting: "I will wait for you in the cafeteria and have lunch with you."

When I walked into the cafeteria, I found that many parents stayed in school to eat.

She found a place to sit down and took out her mobile phone to go online.

After a while, Sheng Yiting sat in front of her panting.

She stared: "Are you skipping class?"

"What kind of skipping class?" Sheng Yiting said disdainfully, "I was just publishing the book. You can leave after you finish it."

Gong Mo heard the word "book" and asked in a low voice: "The teacher said you were reading a high school book?"

When Sheng Yiting heard this, he lay on the table and whispered: "Mom, seriously, I'll go to high school next semester! I don't want to come today, so boring..."

Gong Mo's eyes widened: "If you dare to get up, you will be listless because of this reason?"



"If it doesn't work, this semester will do, anyway, I've read half of the high school books, and I can keep up with it now! When I go to the next semester, maybe I have read them all!" (to be continued~^~)

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