Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1111: You are now an elderly woman

"Don't worry about it!" Sheng Nanxuan snatched the Barbie doll and put it back on the shelf, leading her away.

The bodyguard following the two hurriedly pushed the shopping cart up and followed silently.

Soon, Gong Mo found something of interest again.

It was the beginning of the school season that the supermarket put out many stationery.

Gong Mo saw some of the pen copybooks and said to Sheng Nanxuan: "Yi Ting said he was boring, so let him practice calligraphy more."

"I use computers now, who is practicing calligraphy?"

"Because of this, the talents who have practiced seem to be particularly valuable!" Gong Mo took a dozen copybooks in one breath, "Didn't I tell you that your original characters were particularly attractive?"

Sheng Nanxuan put his chin on her shoulder: "Could it be that you were attracted by my words at first?"

Gong Mo turned around and touched his face: "Of course the face is also very important. But if such a handsome person actually wrote a handful of dog crawling characters, I would definitely be disappointed."

"Then let Yi Ting practice calligraphy."

Sheng Nanxuan didn't want his son to be rejected by anyone in the future!

After choosing the copybook, the two went to the cash register.

Different goods are placed at different checkout counters, such as chewing gum, chocolate... and condoms.

The one Gong Mo and the others lined up happened to be condoms of various brands.

Sheng Nanxuan reached out and took a box and threw it into the shopping cart, which was the brand they were used to.

When Gong Mo saw it, he bent over to pick it up and put it back on the shelf.

Sheng Nanxuan twisted his eyebrows, took a box again and threw it in.

Gong Mo picked it up again.

Sheng Nanxuan...

Gong Mo...

After several times, Gong Mo exclaimed dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing?!"

Sheng Nanxuan looked at her innocently and reached out to the shelf again, Gong Mo reached out and patted his palm.

The cashier asked: "Do you...do you want that?"

Gong Mo saw that they had already settled the bill.

"Yes!" Sheng Nanxuan said.

Gong Mo stepped on him and pointed to the door: "Go over there and wait for me!" Then he said to the cashier: "No."

Cashier and customers in front and back:...

Gong Mo is not afraid of embarrassment, she and Sheng Nanxuan are both old and old.

After closing the bill, the bodyguard carried things, and she and Sheng Nanxuan walked in front.

She took Sheng Nanxuan's hand and said, "We are walking around this floor."

Sheng Nanxuan nodded.

After a while, Gong Mo took him into a maternity and infant shop!

Sheng Nanxuan asked seriously: "Do you want to have a second child that way?"

"Didn't you want to have a daughter?" Gong Mo found the shelf for folic acid and reached for two bottles.

"How many years ago was that all?"

"You forget it after a long time?" Gong Mo was dissatisfied.

"You are an advanced parturient now, can we not toss it?" Sheng Nanxuan snatched the folic acid and put it back.

"But I owe you a daughter!"

"But I don't want to owe her and Yi Ting a mother after giving birth to my daughter!"

"Can you say something nice?" Gong Mo was about to cry with his mouth. This is a curse! curse!

"I'm just worried." He said.

Gong Mo was puzzled: "What is there to worry about? When my mother gave birth to Simon, she was ten years older than I am now!"

"She has always been healthy, but how about you?"

"I'm done!"

Sheng Nanxuan helped her and suddenly didn't know how to argue with her.

"Hi..." The salesperson stood beside him for a while, and asked tremblingly, "Is there anything I can help?"

"I want to get pregnant!" Gong Mo said solemnly. (To be continued~^~)

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