Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1112: Do parents want to divorce?

Sheng Yiting went home from school and saw the coffee table full of snacks.

He looked around suspiciously, no one was there.

"What good has happened?"

He threw his schoolbag on the sofa happily, pulled out a bag of potato chips from the snacks, and turned on the TV with the remote control while eating.

Halfway through the potato chips, he felt his mouth was dry. Seeing there was soda on the coffee table, he immediately opened it and started drinking.

She usually doesn't let him eat these, so she eats more before she sees him. When she saw it, she couldn't tell him to vomit!

Thinking about this, Sheng Yiting raised his head and poured half a bottle of soda.

"Yiting..." Gong Mo's gentle voice came.

"Puff--" Sheng Yiting spouted out a sip of soda, and the carbon dioxide choked into the trachea, stimulating him to cough violently.

"Son, are you okay?!" Gong Mo was shocked, and hurriedly sat beside him to help him beat his back.

It took a long time before he came over and coughed up tears.

He slumped on the sofa with teary eyes and saw Sheng Nanxuan sitting diagonally across from him and Gong Mo beside him.

"Mom—" He hugged Gong Mo, "It's scary, so scary to death!"

"Okay, okay... it's okay." Gong Mo took a pack of nuts on the table and handed it to him, "Suppressed."

Sheng Yiting was stunned, opened the nuts to eat, and asked suspiciously: "What happy event happened? Buy so many snacks."

"Uh... you eat less!" Gong Mo suddenly remembered that he was still developing. If he eats too much of these things, he will grow into a fat man!

Such a handsome son must not be disabled! She still has to keep her eyes on it!

Sheng Nanxuan, the little fresh meat outside, is jealous. Isn't it okay to see his own house?

Sheng Yiting stiffened. I would not ask if I knew it!

"This... you bought it all," he said.

Gong Mo nodded: "It's okay, you eat slowly, don't eat too much at once."

"……it is good."

He looked at Sheng Nanxuan, who couldn't say anything, and he always felt a little strange.

Will parents finally feel that the three views are incompatible and plan to divorce? !

Fearing that he could not accept this thunderbolt thing, bought snacks to please him?

He looked at the snacks on the coffee table and thought they were too much! How can a little snack be enough for such a big divorce? !

"Yi Ting~" Gong Mo's pleased voice came, "Mom asks you something..."

Sheng Yiting held the snacks, glanced at Sheng Nanxuan, and Sheng Nanxuan opened the newspaper.

"You said." Sheng Yiting looked at Gong Mo nervously. Is it because his mother wants his custody?

No way! This will never work! He never thought that his parents would divorce! They are still showing affection at noon today, how could their relationship break so fast? If his parents are divorced, he won't believe in love in his life!

"Mom and dad will give you a sister, okay?" Gong Mo asked kindly.

Just now Sheng Nanxuan said that it depends on Yi Ting's disagreement.

If Yi Ting could not accept this change, it would be a family tragedy when she was born, and then she found a lot of related news to show her-she learned that her parents had a second child and ran away from home/jumped from the building/strangled her newborn sibling...

One is more cruel than the other!

Gong Mo felt that Sheng Yiting would not be that kind of bearish kid!

"Huh?" Sheng Yiting was taken aback after hearing her words, and then heaved a sigh of relief. Why is he thinking? He was really scared to death!

"What's wrong with you?" Gong Mo asked urgently.

Isn't he... he is also a bear kid? ! (To be continued~^~)

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