Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1113: Sister control has been produced

"It's okay!" Sheng Yiting sat up, "If you want to be born, you will be born!"

"Do you agree?" Sheng Nanxuan removed the newspaper.

"Why don't I agree? Everyone has a sister, but I don't!"

Gong Mo: "Uh..." Is the child still resentful?

"Not everyone has it?" Sheng Nanxuan curled his eyebrows, "Doesn't Lu Song have a younger sister?"

"But the others are sisters themselves!" Sheng Yiting was full of resentment.

"Your uncle—"

"He is different!"

"Anyway, you just want your sister?"

"Yes!" Sheng Yiting nodded earnestly, straightened his neck and shook his bangs, "Our family has such good genes, my sister must be the most beautiful and cute in the world!"

Sheng Nanxuan helped the emperor: "It's over... the daughter hasn't given birth yet, and sister control has already emerged."

Gong Mo couldn't help kicking him.

He drew aside and looked at the two of them: "You want it anyway, don't you?"

"In fact, what I want most is you!" Gong Mo said.

"Well, how about a man born out of it?"

"Uh..." Gong Mo looked at Sheng Yiting.

Sheng Yiting blinked, "Why do you see me? It's not my support!"

He picked up the bag of snacks, had a sudden meal, and asked in confusion, "You bought me so many snacks today because you are afraid that I will oppose your second child?"

"Uh...you misunderstood." Gong Mo said.

"How did you misunderstand?" He grabbed a handful of potato chips and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Actually, these snacks are not for you."

Sheng Yiting stiffened and looked at her incredulously.

She shrugged: "But no one will eat it anyway, just eat it."

Sheng Yiting was injured: "Can I object to your second child?"

"But there is one thing I bought specifically for you!" Gong Mo got up, went back to the house and took a copybook, "Hey! I will practice two articles every day from now on. If you think it is too little, you can double it, so you won't be bored. Up."

"Ah—" Sheng Yiting shouted, "Am I still your own?"

The good things did not expect him, but the bad things were tailored for him.

"I object!" he cried.

"What is against?" Sheng Nanxuan asked coldly.

Sheng Yiting looked at his eyes, then looked at Gong Mo, Gong Mo looked nervous.

It seems that I cannot say against having a second child.

He slumped on the sofa unrelentingly: "I am against you enslaving me like this..."

"Didn't you say that you are boring?" Gong Mo wondered, "Good-hearted, don't press down with too much skill. Writing a good hand will help you pick up girls..."

"You said the same when you first learned the piano!"

"But what I said is the truth! Besides, you are screaming boring yourself! Don't let you learn something to pass the time, I'm afraid you will embark on the path of crime! You have to understand the motherly heart!"

"You still have a second child!" Sheng Yiting picked up the copybook and returned to the room, "Better give birth quickly! I will be able to supervise her homework in the future, hehe~"

When Gong Mo heard him smile so gloomily, he felt as if he had erected an enemy for a child who had not come to report.

She walked behind Sheng Nanxuan and put her arm around his neck: "How? Yi Ting has no objection at all, do you want to give birth?"

Sheng Nanxuan closed the newspaper, slowly pulled her in front of him, stood up and picked her up.

"You..." Gong Mo was startled and asked in a low voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you say-do you want to give birth?"

"It's daytime now!"

"I like the daytime." Sheng Nanxuan hugged her and walked to the bedroom.

Sheng Yiting hid behind the bedroom door and gently opened a gap. Seeing the two enter the master bedroom, he couldn't help but shook his head: "This house is really dirty! It's not conducive to my healthy growth at all!" Continue~^~)

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