On Yu Xinya's tenth birthday, Sheng Yiting was going to class, Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan waited for him to go home after school and change clothes before going to Yu's house.

The Yu family was very lively, all relatives came, and a few colleagues from Yu Qingliu and Ding Dang came.

These colleagues have children. When Yu Xinya went to the hospital and the police station to play, she got acquainted with their children.

Gong Mo and the others arrived last, because Sheng Yiting was the only one in the group of children who went to junior high school and was the last to leave school.

Walking into the living room of Yu's house, I saw a dozen children, big and small. The big one is similar to Sheng Yiting, the small one can't speak yet!

"Come on!" Tang Xinxin waved to her, "I'm waiting for you!"

Gong Mo told Sheng Yiting: "Take good care of your younger siblings."

Sheng Yiting nodded reluctantly and didn't want to be the king of children at all.

However, Lu Song and others ran over happily, shouting around him, "Big Brother Yi Ting——"

Sheng Yiting sighed, saw a certain boy about to fall, hugged him hurriedly, and asked, "What is your name?"

"Hao Hao!" the little boy said happily.

Sheng Yiting picked him up and walked out, and asked the bigger Fang Yuezhu: "Whose family is this?"

Fang Yuezhu shook his head.

Sheng Yiting is estimated to be the child of a colleague of Ding Dang or Yu Qingliu.

A child named Haohao put his arms around his neck and said enviously: "You are taller than brother."


"It's so high~" Hao Hao exclaimed.

Yu Xinya ran over and stood in front of Sheng Yiting, looking at the little Douding in his arms: "Gu Yunhao!"

Gu Yunhao shouted: "Sister Xinya!"

"Where is your brother?" Yu Xinya asked.

"He..." Gu Yunhao thought for a while, "Reading!"

Yu Xinya bit her lip, nodded, and turned to call Fang Yuezhu: "Zhu'er, let's go to play there, not with their boys!"

"But I want to play with Brother Yi Ting..." Fang Yuezhu looked embarrassed.

Yu Xinya looked at Sheng Yiting and said, "Okay, let's play together."


Gong Mo walked to Tang Xinxin's side, Yu Xinran, Tian Cheng, Wu Junjun and others were all there. There are also a few colleagues of Ding Dang and Yu Qingliu or their relatives, she doesn't know much about them.

Saying hello to everyone, she asked Yu Xinran: "When did you arrive?"


Yu Xinran held a one-year-old girl in her hands, the second child of her and Lu Wei, who had just learned to talk.

The little girl is delicate and tender, and Yuxue is lovely.

Gong Mo stretched out his hand and hugged him and asked, "Do Rourou remember me?"

Lu Rou reached out and grabbed her sleeves, and babbled.

Yu Xinran smiled and said, "Called auntie."

Lu Ruannuo shouted: "Auntie~"

Gong Mo asked her to sit on her lap, looked at a bunch of children playing, and asked, "Did Lu Duo come?"

"She is going to class."

Lu Duo is Lu Yang's daughter, she is nine years old. Like her aunt Lu Qian, she has a great talent for music since she was a child and has been learning piano.

Lu Yang and his wife joined Médecins Sans Frontières two years ago, and Lu Duo was left to take care of Lu Wei and Yu Xinran.

"When the summer vacation is over, I will take her over to play for a few days, and then I will send her to Lu Qian's side." Yu Xinran said.

"Learning music?" Gong Mo asked.

Lu Qian lives in Vienna now, and there is the temple of music. If Lu Duo wants to take the road of music in the future, he will go there for further studies sooner or later.

Yu Xinran nodded: "After the past, I am afraid I will not see each other for several years."

"It's easy to meet," Tian Cheng said softly.

"Lu Yang and the others are always outside. We are not our parents, and it is hard for her to toss her back and forth. Moreover, if she wants to learn music, she must spend a lot of attention on it and can't let her be distracted."

Everyone nodded, this is the same reason. (To be continued~^~)

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