Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1115: Zeng Shuai wished you to command

"Wow--" The child in Tang Xinxin's arms cried.

Tang Xinxin looked tangled: "Why are you howling again?"

"It seems to be pulled." Gong Mo smelled a bad smell, "Go and change it for him!"

"Let Wu Di go!" Tang Xinxin immediately called Wu Di over.

Wu Di took the child away without complaint.

Tian Cheng smiled and said: "You can really command your husband~"

"Zeng Shuai wants you to command~ Why do you give others a chance?"

Tian Cheng turned her head and ignored her, just as Fang Yuezhu ran over to find Wu Junjun, she went to tease Fang Yuezhu.

Yu Xinran smiled and said, "You and Junjun graduated in one year, right? Yuezhu will go to elementary school soon."

"They are in a hurry!" Tian Cheng said.

"Whether others are in a hurry, you are the slowest one anyway." Gong Mo looked at her.

Tian Cheng lowered his head and said nothing.

Gong Mo sighed and didn't know what to say about her. Over the years, she has been persuaded countless times, and she has said everything that should and should not be said.

Wu Junjun married Fang Yang after graduating from university, and gave birth to Fang Yuezhu the following year. After that, he devoted himself to career development and now works in the foreign affairs department.

Tang Xinxin only agreed to Wu Di's proposal after developing her career almost. She got married two years later than Wu Junjun, and five years later-she didn't have children until last year.

And Tian Cheng, sister-in-law died of cancer the year she graduated. During that time, Zeng Shuai comforted her and took care of her, and the two naturally came together.

But for eight years, the two are still together lukewarm, and Tian Cheng has no intention of getting married.

To eat a lot, Gong Mo thought they had come to an end, but Zeng Shuai still persisted.

Everyone around Zeng Shuai was married, and the children jumped out one by one. He often looked at everyone with envy, and Gong Mo couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

At a party like this today, he and Yu Qingliu had no contact, nor did they come. On the contrary, Tian Cheng occasionally walked around Yu's house and was invited.

Gong Mo persuaded Tian Cheng several times, but Tian Cheng had always had his own opinions and refused to listen.


By the end of the birthday party, it was very late.

A group of children were covered with cream, and the younger ones were already asleep.

When everyone left, Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong said: "Come back another day! Come when you have time!"

"Grandpa, grandma, go in!" Sheng Yiting said, "It's cold outside, don't catch a cold!"

"Oh, you are just sweet!" Wu Surong said happily, "Don't catch a cold! Don't let your mother catch a cold!"

"She has my dad~" Sheng Yiting said, "You all miss her, what should I do?"

"Okay! Come back another day, don't disturb Grandpa too, Grandpa too is resting." Gong Mo said.

A group of people took their children into the car one after another, and the cars drove out of the villa next to each other.

Yu Qingliu and Ding Dang stood on the side of the road and waved to everyone, one by one, "Drive slowly, be careful on the road!"

"Goodbye Uncle Yu!" The child waved in the car, "Goodbye Aunt Ding!"

Wu Surong smiled from ear to ear in the room: "It's so lively! I feel younger when I see them!"

When Gong Mo saw Sheng Nanxuan's car approaching, he asked Tian Cheng, "Should we see you off?"

"No, I drove here by myself." Tian Cheng said.

Gong Mo looked at her and sighed softly.

Tian Cheng dressed very plainly, with black long straight hair tied back with rubber bands, and black-rimmed glasses on her face. She had an intellectual and abstinence temperament, just like a Chinese teacher in a middle school. (To be continued~^~)

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