Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1153: Everything is just in case

Tong Siyao's operation was quickly completed. Out of the operating room, her eyes were covered with gauze.

Sheng Yiting couldn't help but worry when she saw her like this.

Although he has confidence in Yu Qingliu's medical skills, everything is in case. What if darkness greets her after the gauze is taken apart? She would definitely not be able to stand it.

Ye Zi accompanied her to the ward. Sheng Yiting looked at Yu Qingliu who came out of the operating room: "How is it?"

Yu Qingliu is not worried: "Your uncle will be dispatched personally, of course there will be no problem. It will take at least half a month to remove the stitches. Take care of them.

Sheng Yiting was taken aback and looked at him suspiciously: "How do I think you did it on purpose?"

Deliberately blind people for half a month, and then...

"How can I be this kind of person?" Yu Qingliu patted him on the shoulder, with a distressed look on his face, "It was you who harmed people like this, shouldn't you be responsible? Dare to be a Sao Nian~ A real man!"

Sheng Yiting didn't want to talk to him about these things, and asked: "Will the wound on her face leave scars?"

Yu Qingliu raised his eyebrows: "Do you mind?"

Sheng Yiting suffocated, and cried silently: "What do I mind? Your brain is closed, don't think about it! Which girl doesn't mind? She was fine, right? "

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Her face is a bit round, and she can take the opportunity to make her whole face look like melon seeds."

"Where is it round?" Sheng Yiting retorted without thinking, "I think the standard oval face looks pretty."

"Oh~~~" Yu Qingliu looked at him ambiguously.

He: "..." Forget it, stop talking to this convulsive uncle.

Sheng Yiting turned and went to the ward. Tong Siyao was not awake yet, and he said to Ye Zi: "Please tell Miss Tong, I will see her again tomorrow."

Ye Zi nodded repeatedly and sent him away with excitement. Gao Fushuai among Gaofushuai, where can I look for such top products?

After he left for a while, Tong Siyao woke up.

Seeing the darkness in front of him, Tong Siyao suddenly panicked and got up excitedly.

"You slow down!" Ye Zi cried, "You are infusion, don't move!"

Tong Siyao paused, sat down with her support, raised her hand and touched the gauze on her eyes.

"Don't worry, the doctor said the operation was successful, and you can see it after you remove the gauze." Ye Zi said.

"That won't be known until then..." Tong Siyao murmured.

Chances are, she can't see it after taking it apart.

She dropped her hand and leaned against the bed in a low mood.

She knew this would happen before entering the operating room, but when she couldn't see it, she couldn't calm down. What if... what if you get blind?

"Ah..." Ye Zi thought suddenly, "Mr. Sheng explained that I will come to see you tomorrow."

Tong Siyao wanted to say that he didn't use it, but it was useless to tell Ye Zi about it, so she nodded.

She asked Ye Zi: "It's going to go to class, right? There are nurses here. You don't need to worry about me, you should go back to class."

"There is no class today, I will be with you, and I will come back after class tomorrow!"


The next day.

Sheng Yiting rushed to the hospital after get off work, walked into the ward, and saw Tong Siyao sitting on the bed wearing headphones.

She didn't respond to his arrival, obviously listening.

Sheng Yiting walked over, stood by the bed and lowered his head, watching her quiet look without interrupting.

I don’t know how long it took, Tong Siyao suddenly raised her head, took off the headset and looked in his direction: "Who?" (to be continued~^~)

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