"It's me!" Sheng Yiting hurriedly replied, only to realize that he was distracted.

"Mr. Sheng?" Tong Siyao is not very familiar with his voice yet, not sure.

"Yeah." Sheng Yiting was a little depressed when asked by her. It turns out that people don't remember him...

Tong Siyao hurriedly unplugged the headset from the phone, put both things away and put them beside her pillow.

She sat up straight and faced his direction: "Actually, I wanted to tell Mr. Sheng yesterday that you don't have to come to see me every day. I believe you also have work to be busy, and I am very sorry.

"Yeah." Sheng Yiting agreed, "It's just that today is your birthday, I think it should be said."

Tong Siyao was taken aback: "How do you know?" She forgot about it herself.

"When I went through the hospitalization procedures for you, I saw your ID card." Sheng Yiting gave her what was in his hand, "I bought you a present."

"This..." Tong Siyao wanted to refuse.

Sheng Yiting said: "Happy birthday."

"..." Tong Siyao helplessly, "Thank you. Why are there two copies?"

"There is a cake, it's quite small. If it's bigger, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish it." He smiled.

Tong Siyao was silent for a moment, and said sincerely: "Thank you very much. I will accept the cake, and the gift will be fine, right?"

"It's a bicycle." Sheng Yiting said.


"Your car was damaged by me. I will pay you one. This is the key. The car is in the hospital. When you leave the hospital, tell the nurse that she will take you to pick it up."

"But that's not your responsibility..."

"This is my heart."

Tong Siyao paused, holding the small gift, nodded: "Then thank you very much, and hope to have the opportunity to return the gift in the future."

"Okay." Sheng Yiting smiled and reached out to take the cake. "May I help you open the cake?"

"Okay, thank you." Tong Siyao let go.

Sheng Yiting opened the cake and took out his fork: "May I feed you?"

"This..." Tong Siyao was a little embarrassed, stretched out her hand and said, "I'll try it myself."

"That's OK."

Sheng Yiting first gave her the fork and told her where the cake was. He inevitably touched her hand and felt her a little stiff.

He looked up and saw her calm expression, could not help being funny, she was really a stubborn girl.

Tong Siyao took a bite of the cake under his guidance, and Sheng Yiting said, "You slow down."

She sent it to her mouth slowly, and on the way, Sheng Yiting suddenly groaned. She was taken aback, and stopped.

"Don't move first." Sheng Yiting took the fork from her hand.

Then she felt him touch lightly on the quilt.

She knew that the cake must have fallen.

She took a deep breath, suppressing her inner mania: "I still don't eat."

"It is said that this cake is delicious, won't you try it?"

"..." How did she taste it?

Sheng Yiting wiped the quilt clean with a tissue, then took a fork to fork a piece of cake and brought it to her mouth: "I'll feed you. Come on, open your mouth."

Tong Siyao was stunned, and opened her mouth and said: "You put it down-well..."

Sheng Yiting fed the cake in.

She swallowed helplessly, covered her mouth and said, "You let it go. When my classmates will come, let her feed."

"That's fine. How does it taste?"

Tong Siyao recalled the taste, which was very good. But I didn't feel it well just now, I can't say it, I'm a bit sorry.

"Don't taste it? Then let's get another piece." Sheng Yiting said.

Tong Siyao pursed her lips, then reluctantly agreed after a while.

Sheng Yiting smiled and fed her again. (To be continued~^~)

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