Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1158: We need to do something

Sheng Nanxuan said: "Actually...she is still alive. The last time I saw her was at my wedding."

"What?!" Yu Qingping was surprised and looked at Yu Qingliu, "Why didn't you say?!"

"Will you believe me if I said it?"

"Why don't I believe it?"

"You won't believe it if you see her!" He couldn't believe it himself.

"You don't let me see, how do you know that I don't believe it?"

"Stop!" Yu Xinzhuo shouted, "I'll talk about this later, what should I do now? Get my aunt back?"

Sheng Nanxuan said: "She is so fascinating that I haven't looked for her in the past 20 years. Actually... She may be gone, but I haven't seen the body. I believe she is still alive.

"I believe it too!" Yu Qingliu said.

"If she is still alive..." Yu Qingping sighed, "I'm 73 years old, so it's normal to be absent."

Yu Qing Liuxin said: But she is not normal, so she is probably still alive.

Sheng Nanxuan said to Yu Xinzhuo: "We need to do something."

"what's up?"

The next day--

All newspapers and networks of Qingyu Media and Aimo News Agency reported that Yu Zhengming was critically ill, and other media also reprinted it.

For a time, the whole world knew about it.

Yu Zheng will be nearly a hundred years old next year. He created the huge business empire of the Yu family with one hand. Nowadays, his children and grandchildren are full of glory. Although he has given up his position as the richest man in the country, the new richest man is his grandson, and his life is also considered to be a fulfilled merit. . When everyone talked about him, there was no sympathy or sorrow, only admiration and admiration.

Only those who know him well know that he once had a daughter, and said with emotion: Yu Qinghuan's disappearance is afraid that his heart will hurt forever.


Yu Zhengming lay down all day and night before waking up, relying on oxygen to maintain his breathing.

Yu Xinran and Lu Wei also brought Lu Rou over from Beiyao City. Lu Song only set off to study in Country M a few days ago, and Yu Xinran called him. He estimated that it would take two days to return.

Yu Zhengming could hardly speak, everyone called him, and he agreed with a voice from his throat.

He looked at the full house of children and grandchildren, very pleased. Her eyes turned to Wu Surong, but she couldn't help crying.

Wu Surong has been like a child in recent years, so he can't rest assured!

But he knew that Wu Surong would not live for many years. After all, the age is here, it is very likely that she will walk on the front foot and follow her on the back foot.

However, he was afraid that if he left first, she would be sad.

Don't look at her being confused now, she hasn't forgotten all the things she should remember. She would definitely be sad when she left by herself.

and also……

Yu Zhengming glanced at the crowd, then lowered his eyes in disappointment.

No joy...

There is no Qinghuan.

He suddenly opened his mouth and made a grunting noise.

Yu Qingliu hurried over: "Dad, what did you say?"

"Go..." Yu Zhengming said, "Go to work..."

"Okay." Yu Qingliu raised his head and said to everyone, "Dad tells you to go to work and school to go to school without guarding him. Dad, do you mean that?"

Yu Zhengming blinked and looked at him appreciatively.

Yu Qingliu's eyes were a little hot. Dad scolded him all his life, and finally knew to praise him.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't want to leave.

Yu Qingping said: "If you want to go to work, go to work, and we will guard if you don't go to work, and we will call you if you have something to do.

Among a group of people, only a few people need to check in and go to work. Now it's past eight o'clock, and there is still time to rush to the company, so they leave with Yu Zhengming. (To be continued~^~)

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