Others are the management or boss of the company, so you don’t need to go. But the business is busy, and Yu Zhengming does not need so many people here, everyone also goes to work.

Yu Zhengming was very satisfied to see that his children and grandchildren were so motivated. In the end, only the old people Yu Xinran and Lu Ruanren stayed beside him.

Sheng Yiting and everyone entered the elevator, and suddenly remembered Tong Siyao, so they pressed the number on her floor.

Everyone looked at him, Gong Mo asked, "What are you doing there?"

"Uh...look at a friend." He said calmly, "you and dad will send Shuangxue to school."

Sheng Nanxuan asked: "Listen to your uncle, that girl lives here?"

"Girl?!" Everyone looked at Sheng Yiting, especially Gong Mo.

Sheng Yiting was under great pressure. At this moment, the elevator stopped. He hurried out and said to everyone, "Goodbye!"

The elevator door closed, and Sheng Shuangxue looked up and asked, "Brother has a girlfriend?"

"Ask him after school," Gong Mo said.


Sheng Yiting opened the door of the ward and saw Tong Siyao sitting on the sofa, drinking from a cup.

The nurse stood in front of her and told her: "The bun is on your left, and the soy milk has a straw. When you finish eating, I'll get your medicine."

"Thank you." Tong Siyao carefully put down the cup, and the nurse hurriedly opened it elsewhere.

Tong Siyao touched the soy milk in her hand and took a bite of the bun.

The nurse suddenly found Sheng Yiting and shouted: "Mr. Sheng!"

Tong Siyao choked, hurriedly raised her head, looked to the right, feeling wrong, and turned to the left again: "Mr. Sheng?"

"Hello." Sheng Yiting walked in.

Listening to the position of his voice, Tong Siyao found that the direction he was facing was deviated, and couldn't help being a little irritable.

She suppressed these emotions severely and asked calmly: "Why are you here? Don't say..."

"My grandfather is in the hospital, come and see you by the way." Sheng Yiting walked to her, "How is today?"

Tong Siyao nodded: "It's better, thank you for your concern. Your grandpa... is Mr. Yu? Is he okay?"

"It's okay."

"That's good." Tong Siyao finished speaking, couldn't find anything else to say, holding the bun and staying silent.

Sheng Yiting said: "Then you have a good rest, I will go to work first, and see you in the afternoon."

"No, it's not necessary." Tong Siyao's heart couldn't help beating.

Although she knows that the other party has no other meaning, she lives here, except for Ye Zi, he only cares about herself...

"It's okay, I'm going to see Grandpa, by the way." Sheng Yiting said.

He said so, Tong Siyao could not find a reason to refuse, so she had to say: "Then you go slowly."

After eating, she took the phone and listened to the news for a while and heard the news that Yu Zhengming's life was dying.

She asked the nurse: "Do you know which ward Mr. Yu lives in?"

The nurse asked in surprise: "Miss Tong, you—"

Tong Siyao paused and shook her head: "It's okay, I just ask casually."

Sheng Yiting took such care of her, it stands to reason that she should visit Yu Zhengming. But what is their identity? It is misunderstood to catch up. Hope...I hope he can live for a few more years, so that he can see more changes in the world and fulfill more wishes. If you really want to leave, you can leave without regret.


Sheng Yiting went to school to pick up Sheng Shuangxue after get off work, and the two went to the hospital to see Yu Zhengming.

When I got off the car at the door, I ran into Tian Cheng and her 10-year-old daughter Tian Yuan. (To be continued~^~)

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