Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1161: Quiet face is like waiting for someone to kiss

Sheng Yiting was too scolded to say anything, Sheng Shuangxue and Tian Yuan stood opposite and laughed secretly.

Sheng Yiting glared at them, and suddenly saw Tong Siyao standing not far away, and hurriedly said to Wu Surong: "I'm going now!"

Wu Surong nodded in satisfaction.

He said to Sheng Shuangxue and Tian Yuan: "You are so optimistic about your grandmother, I will walk around to avoid her scolding me."

Sheng Shuangxue snickered and said, "Go ahead~"

Sheng Yiting patted her on the head and walked towards Tong Siyao.

Tong Siyao was supported by the nurse and sat on the bench. She said to the nurse: "Go ahead, I'll sit by myself for a while."

"Then I will pick you up in an hour." The nurse said.

Tong Siyao nodded, and when she heard her leaving, she took out her earphones and put on them.

After a while, Sheng Yiting walked to her and gently took off the earphone on her left.

She was taken aback and turned her head.

Sheng Yiting said nothing.

She was a little nervous at first, thinking she had met some bad guys. Then I thought this was a hospital, and when I listened carefully, there were people chatting and singing nearby.

She breathed a sigh of relief and asked tentatively: "Mr. Sheng?"

"It's me." Sheng Yiting smiled and sat down beside her. I was very satisfied with calling out my name as soon as I spoke to her.

"What are you listening?" He picked up the headset and put it in his ear.

Tong Siyao said: "Nothing, just a song."

She took off the earphone on the right, put the cord away, and found a pause on the left, realizing that he had taken it away.

She didn't know he was listening, and silently rolled the headphone cord in her hand.

What Sheng Yiting just heard was not a song, but a foreign news station. He didn't open it up, and asked: "Why do you remember it?"

"Twenty-four hours boring in the ward, a bit boring." Tong Siyao smiled helplessly.

"Well, it's okay to come out for a walk." Sheng Yiting said, "Your eyes are only temporary. You can see it after a while, but you can't understand the current life."

"What is there to understand?" Tong Siyao faced his direction.

She was covered with white gauze, her hair dangled obediently on her shoulders, her quiet face was like waiting for someone to kiss.

Sheng Yiting's eyes moved to her lips and couldn't help swallowing.

He was glad that she couldn't see it now, otherwise he would definitely treat him as a hooligan!

"Mr. Sheng?" Tong Siyao was full of doubts when he heard nothing from him.

"Oh!" Sheng Yiting hurriedly returned to his senses, "I mean, you can feel the world from different angles and observe with your ears."

"Are you talking about blind people?" she asked.

"Uh...you can think like this, but don't think you're going to be blind. You used your eyes to see things around you, so you must have never heard the sound well? Put another way, you will find something different. "

Tong Siyao smiled: "You are right. My blindness is only temporary. Why should I complain? Anyway, I will see it sooner or later. It's better to feel the world as a blind person now. It is a life experience that God has bestowed on me. "

Sheng Yiting breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes...Happiness is also a day, and sadness is also a day. Why do you live unhappy? There is nothing you can't live with."

Tong Siyao smiled slightly, turned her head, and listened to the surrounding sounds.

Before the stitches are removed, they are used to living without light. If they are really invisible after the stitches are removed, it will not be so uncomfortable, right?

She tightened her lips, feeling a little heavy, hoping it wouldn't be so unlucky.

"What did you hear?" Sheng Yiting asked. (To be continued~^~)

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