"There is a child on the left, right?" Tong Siyao asked.

"anything else?"

"and also……"

Tong Siyao used the sounds he heard to guess the scene, and said the same.

Sheng Yiting exclaimed: "Basically everything is right, not bad!"

Tong Siyao smiled and continued to listen.

Sheng Shuangxue saw the situation of the two in the distance, and pushed Wu Surong to come over.

Tian Yuan hurriedly said: "Should you not go? Cousin will be angry."

"That must be his girlfriend!" Sheng Shuangxue shouted, "I'm going to see! That is my future sister-in-law, what if you bully me in the future?"

"No, no?" Tian Yuan couldn't keep up with her brain circuit.

"Why not? My brother likes me so much, she will definitely be jealous and will bully me then!"

"..." I think you look more jealous now...

Wu Surong suddenly said, "You are not allowed to go!"

Sheng Shuangxue was startled and looked at her: "Too grandma?"

Wu Surong shook her hand and said politely: "It's true, don't make trouble with your uncle..."

Sheng Shuangxue is very helpless, too grandma doesn't recognize her!

"Hey? Who are you?" Wu Surong asked Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan: "I... I'm Yuanyuan."

Sheng Shuangxue breathed a sigh of relief, balanced. Grandma too did not recognize other people.

"Where is your brother?" Yu Qingliu's voice came.

The two turned their heads and saw Yu Qingliu walking through in a white coat, holding a box of soft candy in his hand.

"Uncle!" Sheng Shuangxue shouted, pointing to the front, "There!"

Yu Qingliu saw that Sheng Yiting and Tong Siyao had a very happy conversation, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It looks like you have a sister-in-law."

"Who is she?" Sheng Shuangxue asked with a frown, his tone full of hostility, "Is she blind?"

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense." Yu Qingliu gave the sugar to Wu Surong, "Mom, the sugar is here, take it to the child."

"I'll go and see!" Sheng Shuangxue suddenly ran towards Sheng Yiting.

Helpless, Yu Qingliu said to Tian Yuan: "Don't go, eat candy."

Tian Yuan nodded obediently, still staring at Tong Siyao curiously. Cousin's girlfriend, she also wants to see clearly.


Sheng Shuangxue ran in front of Sheng Yiting and Tong Siyao, Sheng Yiting was startled, and got stuck in half of the words.

Sheng Shuangxue raised her hips and looked at him angrily.

He hurriedly turned his head, seeing Yu Qingliu next to Wu Surong, he was relieved.

"Mr. Sheng?" Tong Siyao asked suspiciously, "Why don't you speak anymore?"

Sheng Shuangxue looked at her, squinting his eyes critically.

Tong Siyao approached Sheng Yiting and asked in a low voice, "Who is here?"

She had just heard the sound of footsteps and a gust of wind, and it was obvious that someone ran up to her. Judging from the sound of running, it should not be an adult.

Sheng Yiting met Sheng Shuangxue's sullen face, inexplicably guilty, and stiffly said, "It's my sister."

"Ah..." Tong Siyao suddenly realized, facing forward, "Hello, Miss Sheng."

"Are you blind?" Sheng Shuangxue raised her eyebrows. How can her brother be a blind man? !

Tong Siyao stabbed in her heart and her expression froze.

Sheng Yi stood up, reproaching: "Shuangxue!"

"I'm fine." Tong Siyao said hurriedly.

"Apologize!" Sheng Yiting slumped to Sheng Shuangxue.

Sheng Shuangxue looked at him incredulously. He has never been so fierce to himself! Now for a blind woman, actually...

"Woo..." Sheng Shuangxue burst into tears, turned and ran away. (To be continued~^~)

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