Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1163: Dad beat him for a while

"Shuangxue!" Sheng Yiting shouted.

Tong Siyao stood up anxiously: "How can you betray her?"

"I..." Isn't it for you yet?

"The child is very sensitive. Go and apologize to her."

"...Okay." Sheng Yiting never said a serious word to Sheng Shuangxue, and became worried, "Then you?"

"I'm fine. The nurse will pick me up in a while."

"Then be careful and shout when you have something. There are people around here."

Tong Siyao nodded.

Sheng Yiting chased after Sheng Shuangxue, but Sheng Shuangxue ran to the hospital building without going to Wu Surong's side.

He passed by Wu Surong, and Yu Qingliu laughed gleefully: "Women are not easy to deal with, right?"

Sheng Yiting sighed helplessly, looked at him and said, "It looks like my uncle is very experienced."


Sheng Shuangxue rushed into the ward, crying and threw herself on Gong Mo.

Gong Mo said anxiously: "What's wrong with you?!"

Sheng Nanxuan had just arrived, watching Yu Zhengming by the bed. Hearing my daughter crying, he came over immediately, looking desperately looking for someone: "Who bullied you?"

"Woo...It's brother!" Sheng Shuangxue raised her head to look at him, her face full of tears.

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief. She also wondered why, it turned out that the brother and sister had a conflict. She was afraid that Yu Zhengming would hear it, and she whispered: "Don't cry."

Sheng Shuangxue was taken aback, seeing her looking worriedly at the hospital bed, and immediately stopped crying.

Gong Mo hurriedly walked to the hospital bed, and Sheng Shuangxue followed him as he wiped his tears.

Yu Zhengming was lying flat on the bed, looking around in a panic with his eyes open, obviously he had heard it.

Gong Mo glared at Sheng Shuangxue, Sheng Shuangxue stuck his tongue out, and leaned in front of Yu Zhengming, sobbing and complaining: "Grandpa~ my brother actually yelled at me. Just now I saw him talking to a sister, and he went to call him. I'm not happy anymore. I don't want to call him brother anymore. He definitely wants to recognize that sister as his sister and don't want me!"

Yu Zhengming blinked, no longer nervous, but smiled. It seemed that his great-grandson Hongluan Xing moved. Good thing, good thing!

Everyone was relieved when they saw his expression, and couldn't help but point to Sheng Shuangxue: What a ghost.

Sheng Shuangxue pursed her lips, turned her head away dissatisfied, still angry with Sheng Yiting.

"Shuangxue--" Sheng Yiting opened the door and entered.

Sheng Shuangxue stared, snorted, and leaned against Sheng Nanxuan.

As a daughter-in-charge, Sheng Nanxuan certainly stands firmly on her side!

He comforted: "Don't worry, Dad will hit him later."

Sheng Yiting's eyes widened in horror.

Dad said he was going to hit him, it must be a real hit! But he can't beat it! Can't beat it! Can't beat it! The important thing is said three times!

What's more, Mom said that Dad was merciful and didn't use even one-tenth of his strength.

Haha, there is such a lover's mother who is drunk too.

One-tenth of his power was useless and he was beaten into a idiot. Is Dad a Superman?

After returning home, Sheng Nanxuan really asked Sheng Yiting to go to the gym to "train" for half an hour.

I wanted to train for a while, but Gong Mo told them to eat...

After going out, Sheng Yiting was in pain all over. But he was in his prime, and he couldn't beat his older father, he was embarrassed to say.

Gong Mo knew that he was in pain when he saw it, and said to Sheng Nanxuan disapprovingly: "Don't beat him all the time. He is not married yet. What should I do if he is broken?"

Sheng Yiting: "..." Mom, are you helping me? Really? Really? ! (To be continued~^~)

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