Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1168: Elevator encounter

Yu Qingliu walked out of the inpatient department and suddenly stopped.

He turned his head to look at the monitor in the corner and the street lamp on the ceiling, and went back and asked the nurse on duty at the front desk: "Is there anything unusual when the power went out?"

"Uh..." The nurse was searching the "Bible" and "Diamond Sutra" with her mobile phone, trying to use it to drive away ghosts.

Hearing what he said, she wanted to talk about the female ghost in red she saw before the blackout, and she was afraid that he would scold herself!

As a scientific medical staff, how can you be so silly? !

"What are you doing?" Yu Qingliu saw her in a daze, staring at her mobile phone, "It's working time."

"Sorry..." The nurse lowered her head.

Yu Qingliu sighed and turned to leave.

The nurse yelled, "Dean!"


"I... I saw a big beauty in a red dress."

"What did you say?!" Yu Qingliu rushed to her.

The nurse gave a detailed account of the situation at the time. After listening to it, Yu Qingliu walked quickly to the monitoring room.

The monitoring of the VIP ward had not been repaired yet, and Yu Qingliu asked them to call up the video at the entrance of the hospital. As expected, he saw the red figure that appeared half an hour ago.

Yu Qingliu hurriedly asked: "Are they out?"

The monitoring personnel checked and shook his head: "No. This woman doesn't know where he went, but the man is still in the outpatient department."

Yu Qingliu leaned close to the monitoring screen, this...is it King?

After Yu Qinghuan disappeared, King was also searching all over the world. It didn't take long for the newly appointed King to be in charge, and there was no news of him.

Yu Qingliu always thought he was dead, because the ending of King was like this, he was killed and replaced by the newcomer!

But unexpectedly, he was still alive. However, alive can no longer be called King. Because the current boss of "Shadow" has been in power for more than ten years, with **** methods and sharp style, he is the king of the entire assassin world!

Yu Qingliu left the monitoring room and sent a text message to Sheng Nanxuan with his mobile phone: She is back.


Sheng Yiting walked outside Tong Siyao's ward, knocked on the door twice, did not hear a response, she must have fallen asleep.

He mustered the courage to push the door open and turn on the light.

Anyway, she can't see it now, he is not afraid that she will find out.

However, he always feels that his current behavior is a bit like breaking into a boudoir...

The ward is also a private place for others!

He walked to the bed and took a look, helping her to remove a strand of hair from her face.

In this moment, his heart that had been turbulent finally calmed down, and he stopped staying, and quietly left the ward.

Go to the elevator door, the elevator comes down from the upper floor. When the elevator door opened, he was about to go in, and saw a big beautiful woman standing inside, so scared to stop.

In the middle of the night, I ran into a big beauty in the elevator, still wearing red clothes and red shoes. Is it a ghost?

Cough... it's your grandma! Sao Nian!

When Yu Qinghuan saw that the door was about to close, he didn't come in yet. He stretched out his hand to hold the door open button, and lightly opened his lips: "Aren't you coming in?"

Sheng Yiting glanced on the floor, saw her shadow, and walked in with a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." He said.

I guess I came to visit him. Allow yourself to come to visit the sick in the middle of the night, don't you allow others to come?

Yu Qinghuan glanced at him and couldn't help but smile.

Just now she hid under Yu Zhengming's window, and naturally heard his voice. Looking at him, could it be... Nan Xuan's child?

Yu Qinghuan looked at his eyes more tenderly. (To be continued~^~)

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