Sheng Yiting felt being watched, raised his head to look at her, couldn't help but shiver, and moved a little aside.

Yu Qinghuan laughed out loud with a sneer. He didn't expect him to be such a big man and he was still very innocent.

Sheng Yiting's scalp is numb. It was late at night, the atmosphere was terrifying! Wouldn't you really hit a ghost?

The elevator reached the first floor unknowingly, and Yu Qinghuan stepped out.

Sheng Yiting secretly breathed a sigh of relief, walked out slowly, and then disappeared all the way.

Hmm... she probably walked very fast, Sheng Yiting didn't want to scare herself!

And he suddenly discovered that he seemed to have seen her somewhere! Where is it? Hmm, I must have met each other two days ago and I forgot.

He walked into Yu Qingliu's office, and Yu Qingliu was making a call.

Yu Qingliu glanced at him, covered the phone and asked: "Are you going to sleep here?"

Sheng Yiting nodded.

"That's right, I have something to go out. If someone finds me, just call me." Yu Qingliu finished speaking and left while answering the phone.

Sheng Yiting couldn't help saying: "It's midnight, please take a break!"

Yu Qingliu waved his hand and left without looking back. When I went to the outpatient department, I saw "King" sitting in the waiting room playing on his mobile phone.

He glanced at it and "King" noticed it, pretending to stretch unintentionally, and raised his head. Seeing him, he was stunned for a while, then pretended not to know him, and continued to lower his head to play with the phone.

"King"'s heart is almost gone: Where is this woman? How can he contact her if he doesn't like to use his cell phone?

Yu Qingliu walked over, lowered his head and smiled: "Hi~"

"King" raised his head, pretending that he didn't know him, and picked up a foreign language to speak.

Yu Qingliu rolled his eyes: "Don't pretend! You chased me for so many years, you forgot me, I will not forget your pervert!"


"King" was choked.

He has chased Yu Qinghuan for more than ten or twenty years now, and he has forgotten about chasing Yu Qingliu earlier.

Yu Qingliu sat down beside him and asked: "How do you call it now? Can't it be called King?"

"Call old K. People who know me call me that now."

Yu Qingliu nodded, took out a box of cigarettes from his body, opened the lid and handed it to him.

He smoked one, smelled it, and it tasted good.

"The doctor still smokes?" he asked.

"Smell." Yu Qingliu took a cigarette and held it in his mouth.

"Where is the fire?" Old K asked.

"How can there be fire if I don't smoke?" Yu Qingliu looked at him like an idiot.

Old K was very depressed, so he had to dangle like him: "Why don't you pretend to be?"

"Dangling while chatting, doesn't look so silly."


Yu Qingliu smiled and looked at him: "Seriously, when did you find her?"

"Who?" Old K played dumb.

Yu Qingliu stretched out his hand to put his shoulder on him, to hold him down, so as not to prevent him from running, "Nanxuan is coming right away, you'd better explain it honestly."

"Oh~ you mean your sister?"

"She is my sister!" Yu Qingliu scowled.

Old K's eyes widened, the smoke in his mouth bends directly: "Your sister?!"

Yu Qingliu laughed: "You can't see the age, right?"

Old K wiped his face, not wanting to pursue this issue.

In the past twenty years, Yu Qinghuan's appearance has not changed a little, he has long been numb.

He sighed: "The only two times in my life I have been tempted, I have fallen on your sister and brother." (To be continued~^~)

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