Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1170: Wait for the rabbit

Yu Qingliu became stiff, immediately pushed him away, moved three seats to the side, and then asked: "Didn't you only sleep with men before? When did you change your taste?"

"The moment your sister broke into my sight." Old K said seriously, "You don't know how beautiful and powerful she is! I'm so confused all my life, I must be waiting for her..."

"You are really numb." Yu Qingliu moved another two seats aside.

Old K took a look, got up and ran.

"...Fuck!" Yu Qingliu reacted and chased it out.

Old K and Yu Qinghuan’s car was still parked outside. He got into the car and drove away. Where could Yu Qingliu catch up?

Yu Qingliu was so angry that he threw the cigarette in his mouth to the ground.

After a while, another car stopped in front of him, and Sheng Nanxuan got out of the car: "Where is the person?"

"Running!" Yu Qingliu said grumpily.

Sheng Nanxuan glared at him with an expression of "you tease me".

Yu Qingliu shrugged: "K is here, your mother, you don't know, you must have run away long ago."

Sheng Nanxuan said helplessly: "She won't hide if she wants to see us. If we hide, we will definitely not be able to find it. Asking people to look at grandpa and grandma, she will definitely go to see them, let's wait and see!

Yu Qingliu nodded.

"Then I'll go back first." Sheng Nanxuan got in the car.

"Aren't you going to see your grandpa?"

"Only Gong Mo and Shuangxue are at home. Besides, this is the midnight watch, should I visit him or disturb him?"

"Your flies can't fly in, what are you worried about?"

"Heh..." Sheng Nanxuan laughed at himself, "My mother can fly in."

Yu Qingliu: "..."


After getting up, Sheng Yiting simply rinsed his mouth with water, washed his face, and went to the ward to look after Yu Zhengming.

Yu Xinzhuo and Yu Ze also woke up, and the three of them helped Yu Zhengming wipe his face and hands, and then fed him something.

It was almost done, Ding Dang and Yu Xinya came, and a few of them went home.

Sheng Yiting didn't change his clothes and didn't wash well. Feeling that he was unkempt, he was embarrassed to see Tong Siyao.

He went home to tidy up, ate breakfast, and then took Sheng Shuangxue to the hospital.

Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan were worried about the crowds in the morning, and planned to go in the afternoon. They asked them: "Don't make a noise in the ward! Everyone is old and can't stand your toss."

"I will take care of Shuangxue." Sheng Yiting smiled.

Sheng Shuangxue puffed out dissatisfiedly: "I won't! Take care of yourself!"

Sheng Yiting pulled her ponytail and took her out.

On the way, he stopped to buy two snacks, and said to her: "One is for you, wait until you are hungry. This one is also for you, but it is used as an apology gift."

Sheng Shuangxue snorted: "You remember to ask me to apologize to others! Say, do you like her?"

Sheng Yiting ignored her problem, patted her head fondly, turned and drove.

After arriving at the hospital, the two went to see Yu Zhengming first, and then found an excuse to leave to see Tong Siyao.

Tong Siyao was familiar with the environment in the ward. The nurse told her about the surrounding situation, and she tried to walk around by herself.

She didn't want to show her weak side before, and didn't do it at all. But after Sheng Yiting chatted with her yesterday, she looked away.

Right is a life experience, what's the big deal?

"Miss Tong." Sheng Yiting shouted, standing at the door.

Sheng Shuangxue stretched out his head from behind him and watched secretly. (To be continued~^~)

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