Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1173: Yu Qinghuan meets Wu Surong

Wu Surong opened her eyes in the afternoon nap.

The window of the room was half open, and the sun was shining outside. For a moment, she seemed to be back when she was young, as if she had been in a morning that had overslept, because of Yu Zhengming's frantic request the night before, she was lazy and wanted to sleep like this until she was old.

The consciousness gradually returned to the cage, and she realized that she was old, and her eyes were suddenly moist.

She still remembers how affectionate they were when they were young and when they were just married. She can still feel the sweetness and heartbeat of that time. And now, he was leaving her alone!

"Old man..." She said hoarsely, sat up tremblingly, and saw a young lady in red sitting on a rocking chair in the corner, holding her baby girl's photo album, flipping gently.

Wu Surong looked at her in a daze.

She lowered her head, gently shook her body, and slowly flipped through the album.

Wu Surong saw half of her face, dizzy and dim.

She was sitting behind the curtain, half of her body in the shadow and half in the sun.

Wu Surong can't remember seeing such a person. I may have seen it, but I forgot it. But suddenly-like a blessing to the heart, she shouted: "Qinghuan."

Yu Qinghuan shook his body for a while, shaking his hands gently, staring at the photos in his hands.

I am still the same as before, and I can't remember how many years have passed. But it must be many, many, many years.


Mom and Dad are old, very old.

Nan Xuan's baby has grown into an adult...

The whole world became something she didn't know, only she was still wandering in place.

She doesn't like this.

She wished to grow old with everyone.

She didn't even dare to face Wu Surong head-on.

"Qinghuan...is that you?" Wu Surong asked excitedly.

She is old, speaking very hard, and a little slurred.

But Yu Qinghuan heard it very clearly-she was calling herself.

She turned her head and her absolutely gorgeous face appeared in Wu Surong's sight.

Wu Surong's pupils dilated suddenly.

Yu Qinghuan's appearance has not changed, but his memory is different, and his temperament is completely different.

But Wu Surong knew that this was her joy.

There was a voice outside the door, and Yu Qinghuan's eyebrows moved.

The door was pushed open, Wu Surong looked over subconsciously.

Yu Xinran stood at the door and said in surprise: "Grandma, are you awake? Didn't you sleep?"

She walked over and saw Wu Surong in a daze, and asked worriedly: "Do you recognize me, grandma?"

"Huanhuan..." Wu Surong looked back and found that the rocking chair was empty and motionless. She was shocked and shouted, "Qinghuan! Qinghuan!"

"What's wrong with you, grandma?" Yu Xinran asked anxiously.

Yu Xinya and Lu Rou also followed, and Yu Xinya said helplessly: "She misses aunt again."

Wu Surong pointed to the window: "Qinghuan...Qinghuan is back!"

Yu Xinya was taken aback for a moment, walked to the window, took a look at the album, and looked back at Yu Xinran helplessly.

Yu Xinran coaxed: "Grandma, let's change clothes first, shall we go to see Grandpa?"

"Qinghuan is back." Wu Surong pointed to the rocking chair and said, "She is there! Qinghuan!"

She hurriedly got out of bed and walked to the window. Few people were afraid that she would fall, so they held on carefully.

There is nothing in front of the window.

Wu Surong looked downstairs, but there was nothing.

She was stunned, wondering what was going on.

Yu Xinya said, "It must be grandma dreaming. Did you dream of aunt?"

"She..." Wu Surong knew they wouldn't believe it. But she really saw it! (To be continued~^~)

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