She stopped speaking, and let a few people serve herself to change clothes and go to the hospital to see Yu Zhengming.

After arriving at the hospital, she grabbed Yu Zhengming's hand and said, "Old man, Qinghuan is back. Really, I don't lie to you, I saw her. the same as before, so beautiful! What do you say? The kid is worthy of her? I don't think anyone can do... the one who marries Qinghuan can't be worse than you."

Yu Zhengming looked at him, his eyes full of worry, and he moved manually to hold her tightly.

How can he rest assured that she is like this?

"Did you hear what I said?" Wu Surong asked happily, "Do you believe her there too? Humph, they all said that I dreamed, but that's not it. If you don't believe me, let's not tell them. This is our little secret. ,dense!"

Yu Zhengming smiled, full of doting, as if saying: Well, well, what you say is what you say.

Wu Surong is happier, like a child: "You have to get better soon, and we will change into new clothes to meet her. By the way, what does she like to eat? We must prepare well..."

She speaks very slowly, and it is difficult for people next to her to hear what she said. After listening to it for a long time, I heard about it and knew she was talking about Yu Qinghuan.

When Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan came, Yu Xinran said helplessly: "I dreamed of my aunt when I went to bed at noon, and I kept talking about it."

Sheng Nanxuan was taken aback: "Dreaming?"

Yu Xinran nodded.

He walked to the bed and looked at Wu Surong and Yu Zhengming. After listening to it for a while, I found that Wu Surong was in high spirits, shouldn't it... Really see it?

At this time, Sheng Yiting and Sheng Shuangxue didn't know where they came from.

Sheng Yiting came over questioningly: "What's wrong with grandma?"

"Said I saw your grandma." Sheng Nanxuan said.

Sheng Yiting turned to look at Gong Mo and Yu Xinran, who was mumbling about the situation at the time.

He walked over and listened, and suddenly he was taken aback when he heard the word "album".

Yu Qinghuan's photo album, he has read it, and the beauty in it has some impressions. He suddenly remembered that the beauty in red in the elevator last night... Doesn't she look like his grandma? !

He also said where he had seen it, obviously in the album!

However, his grandmother died long ago. Even if you are alive, you can't be so young!

Sheng Yiting's scalp was numb, could it be...the grandma of the underworld knew that grandpa was not good enough, so she came to see him specially? By the way, look at the grandson who has never been masked?

This is too panic, right?


A few days later, Yu Zhengming's health did not improve, more and more people stayed with him in the hospital, and the time they stayed for longer and longer.

He himself knew that it was going to die. But he always hung up and couldn't bear to swallow. Especially Wu Surong told him confidently that she had met Yu Qinghuan.

He knew that Wu Surong's mind was not good, but he was still willing to believe her. In his life, the person he trusts most is her. They have been together for more than 70 years...

At this time, everyone in the Yu family, including the children and grandchildren who got married, had a meeting together, mainly talking about Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Qinghuan is still alive.

The news stunned people who didn't know.

Sheng Yiting blurted out: "She won't be like that in the photo?!"

Sheng Nanxuan looked at him sharply: "Did you see her?"


Sheng Nanxuan remembered that he was in the hospital that night, maybe he really saw him, and immediately said: "She likes to wear red clothes. I have seen her several times, she is like this."

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