Yu Qinghuan walked to the door of the villa and stopped.

This house has been around for some years, but it hasn't changed much. It's almost the same as when she lived here.

It is a bit old, and the surrounding flowers and trees are a bit more luxuriant. That is the taste of time.

She looked at the wall but did not go in.

The people inside saw a leisurely red color from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and ran out like a heart.

In the living room, almost everyone turned on their backs, and the one running in the front was Sheng Nanxuan, looking at her incredulously.

She looked down at them.

Many people have never seen her now. Although they heard Sheng Nanxuan and Yu Qingliu say, they were surprised to see her from ear to ear.

How could someone who should be old be so young?

When Yu Qinghuan saw Yu Qingping leaning on a cane, his eyes were paused, and then he scanned the others one by one.

She slowly tightened her lips, said nothing, and walked in with her head down.

The crowd separated automatically, and she walked in numbly.

The decoration of the house has changed a lot, except for the outline, it is difficult for her to find the shadow of the past.

But the phonograph in the corner is still there.

She walked over and saw that there was a record on it, and put the stylus on it.

The record spins slowly, and Sinny’s ethereal singing echoes in the air——

Don't ask where i come from

My hometown is far away

Why wander

Wandering far away...

Yu Qinghuan couldn't help laughing—it was a good song. This is the question she has been asking herself for more than 20 years.

Why stray? She didn't know either.

She walked slowly upstairs, and the people downstairs looked at her without interrupting, and watched her go upstairs.

She lived here, it was her site, she was the only daughter of the Yu family.

She took the handrails of the stairs, as if back at that time, there were pampering parents, elder brother, kind sister-in-law, rebellious younger brother... occasionally a few cousins ​​came, and everyone regarded her as treasure.

Who knows that at an energetic age, he will encounter such hell?

After Yu Qinghuan walked the stairs, she lowered her head, tears falling to the ground.

For many years... I haven't cried.

She thought she had forgotten the smell of crying, but now finally remembered.

She raised her head, already in tears.

Last time she came, she did not take the usual path. This time, she reached Wu Surong's bedroom through the route in her memory.

Standing at the door, she raised her hand and knocked, remembering that she would occasionally overhear the loving voices of parents here.

There was no response in the room, she opened the door and saw Wu Surong sitting in a rocking chair holding a photo album with reading glasses on her eyes, and she was very old.

As she walked over, Wu Surong looked up as if sensing something.

Having seen it once, Wu Surong was not surprised, she was very happy watching her approach step by step, with a surprise smile on her mouth.

Yu Qinghuan stopped and squatted down in front of her, looking at her like a child: "Mom..."

After she shouted out, her tears flowed more violently, like a slippery faucet, she couldn't stop it.


The photo album in Wu Surong's hand fell on the ground.

She hugged Yu Qinghuan, crying and laughing: "Qinghuan, are you back? It's good to be back... okay... otherwise, my mother is afraid I won't see you."

Yu Qinghuan leaned on her, hugged her tightly, crying.

"Mom, do you really believe this is me?" she asked.

Wu Surong nodded: "It's... my daughter, I know."

Yu Qinghuan held her dry hand, eyes burning with crying: "I'm sorry..."

Sorry, I should be back sooner, I shouldn't have made you wait so long. (To be continued~^~)

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