Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1183: Dad, this is Qinghuan

The mother and daughter cried for a while while holding their headaches. Wu Surong suddenly asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten." Yu Qinghuan wiped his tears and said with a smile, "The hot pot I ate is delicious."

Wu Surong said: "Then let's go see your dad!"

Yu Qinghuan hurriedly said yes, and helped her downstairs, all the people downstairs looked strange.

Yu Qing said with a smile, "Mom wants to see Dad."

"Good... good!" Yu Qingping said hurriedly, "we will all go!"


Yu Qingliu and Yu Ze were originally in the ward. The two already knew that Yu Qinghuan had gone back, and Yu Ze was full of curiosity, but Yu Zhengming could not be unattended and could only stay.

Being impetuous, he heard that Yu Qinghuan was coming, so he went to the door early to wait.

Yu Qingliu said: "Those who don't know thought you were waiting for a lover."

"Uncle!" Yu Ze helpless.

Yu Qingliu waved his hand hurriedly, not wanting to listen to this title, looking so old.

After waiting for a while, Yu Ze saw a large group of familiar people approaching. At the front was Yu Qinghuan pushing Wu Surong in a wheelchair.

From a distance, Yu Qinghuan is a slender young woman, and Yu Ze takes a breath. When he got closer, he was surprised to see that she was not much different from the picture, but he was calm when he saw other people, so he had to pretend to be calm.

Yu Qinghuan nodded to him and pushed Wu Surong into the door.

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to call, and followed silently.

Yu Qinghuan pushed Wu Surong to the hospital bed. Yu Zhengming on the bed fell asleep. Wu Surong took his hand and said tremblingly: "Old man, Qinghuan is back."

"Dad is asleep, let's wait." Yu Qinghuan said.

Wu Surong nodded, still holding Yu Zhengming's hand, and the others had to stand behind her to accompany.

Yu Qingliu whispered to Yu Qinghuan: "When you come, Dad won't have any regrets."

Yu Qinghuan looked down and understood what he meant—Yu Zhengming would die soon, perhaps after seeing her.

No one left, no one spoke, all were waiting for something.

I don't know how long it took, Yu Zhengming opened his eyes and sighed long.

Wu Surong hurriedly said, "Old man, who do you think is here?"

Yu Zhengming looked at her, his eyes touched Yu Qinghuan, he paused slightly, and his eyes widened suddenly: "Qing... Qinghuan..."

His lips fluttered and he made a faint voice. If it were not for Yu Qinghuan's good ears, he would definitely not hear him calling himself.

She leaned down, her eyes were moist, and nodded: "Dad...I am Qinghuan."

Yu Zhengming showed a smile and slowly raised his hand, trying to sit up.

Lu Song and Yu Ze hurriedly adjusted the bed and let him lean on.

He held Yu Qinghuan's hand and looked at her with a smile in his eyes: "Ok...ok..."

He felt that he must be dead, otherwise how could he see Qinghuan? Qinghuan is still as young as before, how could it be possible?

But the world is so big, there are no surprises, maybe something like this will happen. His Qinghuan finally came back before he died.

He looked at the house full of children and grandchildren, not missing any of them, and satisfied.

After a while, he showed fatigue. Everyone knew he was going to rest, and put him flat.

Yu Qingliu asked Wu Surong: "Does mom want to go back to sleep? Let sister send you off."

Wu Surong shook her head hurriedly: "I'm with the old man."

Everyone was taken aback, all a little strange. She used to go home for the night anyway, why today...

Seeing Yu Qinghuan, everyone seemed to understand.

She used to go back, nothing more than to look at Yu Qinghuan's photos. Now Yu Qinghuan is in front of him, what else is he doing looking at the photos? (To be continued~^~)

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