Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1195: Do you still have to catch it?

Yu Xinya glanced at Sheng Yiting sympathetically, and then smiled at her: "You can be a couple in the future~"

Sheng Yiting hurriedly asked: "Why is my little cousin here?"

"Of course it's eating~" Yu Xinya glanced at him meaningfully, "Okay, don't bother you~bye~"

She waved slightly to Tong Siyao and turned away.

Sheng Yiting breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said to Tong Siyao: "She is talking nonsense, don't take it to heart."

Tong Siyao shook her head and saw Yu Xinya and two young women sitting at a table. It is estimated that her best friend came out for dinner.

At this time, she and Sheng Yiting's food was ready.

The waiter arranges the food, helps to open the wine, a rose is inserted in the middle of the table, and an aroma lamp is lit.

The trouble just now had already diminished the tension. As a result, Tong Siyao was a little uncomfortable again.

After the waiter left, she lowered her head and cut the steak silently.

Sheng Yiting said: "She is Yu Xinya, the daughter of Dean Yu."

"Ah! It turned out to be her!" Tong Siyao suddenly realized.

Yu Qingliu personally treated her, she was grateful, and suddenly felt that Yu Xinya was a little closer.

Sheng Yiting raised his glass: "Come on, cheers."

Tong Siyao stayed for a while, put down the knife and fork, raised the cup and touched him, then bowed her head and took a sip.

Sheng Yiting put down the cup and didn't persuade her to drink again, lest she think she has bad intentions.

He asked about insurance claims.

It's not going well for her.

The insurance company naturally hopes to save a fortune, how can it be so easily compensated? She went through it herself, even if all the procedures were complete, she would probably have to break her leg and wait until the flowers died.

"Whenever you have time, get the information ready and I will accompany you."

He doesn't help her directly, but chooses to accompany her so that he can meet her again, get along, eat, and send her back to school...

Tsk tsk, this way down, it's just a few more dates.

Tong Siyao said embarrassedly: "This is too much trouble for you."

"You can pay me back only after you manage it!"

"...Okay." I just invited him to dinner next time. Although the cost can't be compared with this time, it's my heart.

Tong Siyao sighed inwardly. Will she fall in this way? Whoever meets such a top product can't hold it!


After eating, Tong Siyao firmly refused to send Sheng Yiting back to school.

She said: "Your car is so good, I'm afraid my classmates see it and think."

Sheng Yiting was immediately depressed: "According to you, I have to change a broken car?"

Tong Siyao looked at him puzzled: "You don't have to send it."

Sheng Yiting choked, turned into the car with anger and slammed the door.

"Hey?" Tong Siyao was taken aback, bit her lip depressed, and turned to look at the road.

After a while, she turned her head and knocked on the car window.

He rolled down the car window to look at her, and asked angrily: "What?" Such a puzzling woman didn't want to care about her!

"I'm leaving," she said.

"Really don't want me to send it?"

"No. I'll be there in a while by subway."

Sheng Yiting sighed helplessly: "Okay, contact me another day."

He drove off after speaking.

Standing in the wind, Tong Siyao thought wonderingly: Isn't she liking herself? Otherwise, how can you get angry so easily?

You get angry if you don't catch it, but can you still get it?

Back in the bedroom, Ye Zi asked excitedly: "I came back so late, and went on a date with Master Sheng?"

Tong Siyao looked at her angrily: "We are talking about business!" (to be continued~^~)

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