Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1196: It hurts you to say so

"By the way, make an appointment~" Ye Zi has become their CP fan.

Tong Siyao thought for a while and asked seriously: "Do you think he would like me?"

"That's not it! Otherwise, I don't look bad, why doesn't he treat everyone equally?"

"Because...because he hit me." Tong Siyao said with a little lack of confidence.

"Tsk~ What if you bump into it? It's Shan Da Shao, you don't have ten or eight people under your hand. It's always okay to send one to solve your problem, right? Does it need to do it yourself? Also arrange VIP In the ward, let Yu Qingliu perform a minor operation himself! Besides, just after the funeral, people will deal with your mess, you can have no conscience!"

Tong Siyao's confidence is even worse.

Seeing Sheng Yiting a few days later, she was very uncomfortable, always wondering if he would suddenly come to confession or something.

However, after a few days of calming down, Sheng Yiting didn't feel so impatient, for fear that she would be scared away by being too anxious.

He took her back and forth to the end of the entire car accident compensation case, it took more than a month, Tong Siyao's wounds and scabs fell off.

In this more than a month, the two have met several times, and he is always considerate and courteous.

Tong Siyao suspected for a while that he likes himself-why not be so good to him?

After a while, I suspected that I was affectionate. Although it was good to her, it didn't imply anything. It made sense to say that it was not interesting to her.

At the end of the case, Tong Siyao offered to invite a lawyer to dinner.

Sheng Yiting glanced at the lawyer, and the lawyer immediately refused on the grounds that he was busy at work, and thought inwardly: If I can see the big boss, I must sue, the young master is really too much!

In the end, only Tong Siyao and Sheng Yiting went to eat.

This meal was invited by Tong Siyao. Tong Siyao chose a good restaurant. Although it was not as high-end as the place he usually went to, it would cost two people to eat it. Troubled him for so long, when she took care of it.

During the meal, she picked up her wine glass and said hesitantly: "In the future...may not be seen frequently. Thank you very much this time. I wish you all the best in the future."

I wish you all the best in the future, it is too polite!

Sheng Yiting held the cup and didn't lift it up, "Aren't we friends? It's okay to meet occasionally between friends."

Tong Siyao laughed at herself: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, whether I am inferior or sensitive, but the fact is the fact-we are people in different worlds."

With that, she looked up at him, then lowered her head in a panic.

If there is any emotional hope, you should give up because of this gap.

Sheng Yiting said, "It hurts people to say that. If I don't treat you as a friend, why run around with you?"

"I..." Tong Siyao was a little embarrassed.

Sheng Yiting raised the glass and touched her, looking at the pink scar at the corner of her eye: "This glass of wine celebrates your recovery."

Tong Siyao was taken aback, stretched out her hand and touched the scar.

She is out of shape, shouldn't he have any more thoughts? Young Muai, human instinct.

Tong Siyao felt relaxed and lost again.

A girl in her 20s, who has never been in a relationship, meets a man who is excellent in all aspects, the key is to treat her well, how could she not dream?

After eating, Tong Siyao asked the waiter to pay.

Sheng Yiting opened his wallet and handed over his card. (To be continued~^~)

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