The Defense Minister made an urgent statement: "I just received a message from the intelligence personnel that he has been exposed and Yao Lei has a daughter on the island."

Sheng Nanxuan frowned.

"The problem now is that when he is exposed, the other party will definitely be vigilant and defensive, but our people are about to arrive at Misty Island. In this way, they are likely to throw themselves into the trap-do you want them to withdraw?"

Everyone expressed their opinions, some agreed and some disagreed.

Neither Sheng Nanxuan nor the President spoke.

There is no time for everyone to argue. Sheng Nanxuan asked the president: "What do you think?"

The president mused: "They have already gone, and there is no reason to come back. This time, they have been stunned. If they return without a fight, it will be even more difficult to succeed in the future. If the enemy fights to die, it will kill Yao Lei and it will be our loss. ."

Sheng Nanxuan nodded: "Anyway, the deposit has been paid, and they know in their hearts. Knowing the danger of this operation, there is no need to give up. Tell them the situation and see how they react."

The Minister of Defense went to do it immediately and got a quick response.

"They said they would save Miss Yao."

Sheng Nanxuan couldn't help smiling: "Very professional."

"Neo is on the line, they are going to the island soon, they are going to cut off contact temporarily, and ask us what else we can order."

"Tell them to be careful." Sheng Nanxuan said.


Outside the Misty Island, under the calm sea covered with mist, Judy and her teammates stood in the submarine.

All five of them changed their faces, otherwise they would offend Country J and Country M and would not be convenient for future actions.

Although... their combination of four men and two women is easy to guess that it is Queen's team.

so what? Deny it without seeing the face!

Neo conveyed Sheng Nanxuan's words to everyone, and Judy smiled: "It's kind of human~ Okay, let's start preparing!"

They wore camouflage uniforms and put weapons and ammunition on their bodies.

Judy said: "This time the purpose is to save people. Everyone must act quickly and steadily. First, rescue people from the island and keep the rest behind!"

There were no doubts about the remaining five, and the six set out together and acted separately.

After approaching Misty Island, the six lurked underwater for several hours.

Approaching the evening, Judy said: "It seems that I won't be out for a walk today, and act after night."

Darkness is a natural protective color, and many things can be done quietly in the dark.

After nightfall, the six soldiers were divided into three groups-An Qi commanded and responded on the shore, Neo went to destroy the circuit and the network, the Wolf King and Silver Fox went to the weapon store to install bombs, and Judy and Chameleon went to save people.

When Neo sabotaged the surveillance, he discovered: "Yao Lei's room does not seem to be equipped with surveillance, and he is not seen in all the rooms."

"Analyze the layout of the building and select the target location." Zhu Di said.

"Yes." Neo said after a while, "position B12, second floor."

When they deployed the plan, the island was divided into zones and numbers to facilitate operations.

"The door is closed, no one at the door..." Neo paused for a while, "Upstairs! Let me see if it's him..."

They have only seen photos of Yao Lei when he was young, but Yao Lei must have changed now.

By analyzing the facial bones, Neo felt that it was not bad, and then intercepted the images and sent them to Angel and Chameleon.

An Qi is a surgeon, Chameleon is proficient in disguise, and the two are better at judging than him.

An Qi said: "It's okay to see it this way, it depends on whether there is disguise." (To be continued~^~)

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