Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1346: The boss is really beautiful

Chameleon said: "I can't decide if I look at it this way. If I'm really disfigured, I can tell at a glance."

This is why he and Judy are walking together.

Judy said: "They don't know that we are here today, and they probably won't make preparations so early."

"The arrow is on the string and I have to send it. Even if they are prepared, we have to act." Neo said, "Someone accompanied Yao Lei and entered the room. There is a monitor in the room, and there is a girl with her back facing the monitor. No face, judging from Yao Lei's expression, it should be her daughter."

Neo told Judy and Chameleon the location of the room, analyzed the girl's height and weight, and described the appearance.

Silver Fox said: "It's a little beauty~"

"It's not worth noting that you can't see your face." An Qi said, "Maybe it's possible to fascinate thousands of troops behind and frighten millions of heroes from the front~"

"Yes, yes, you are a great beauty in the world."

"Where?" An Qi said modestly, "The boss is really beautiful!"

Judy said: "I'm not interested in being a beauty."

"You are only interested in being a female man." The voice of the wolf king came.

Judy's voice is slightly cold: "Have you two put the bombs?"

"I want to explode now, you guys hurry up."

Silver Fox cried: "Fuck! What should I do if you blow up? I haven't put it here yet!"

"Then you are still talking nonsense?!" Judy gritted her teeth and asked Neo, "How is the situation around Yao Lei?"

"There are a lot of people, which is not conducive to action. Listening to their conversation, Yao Lei will go back to the room for a while, and it seems that he will have to wait until he returns to the room. I will first analyze the sound waves of his daughter and listen to Yao Lei's name, Yiyi. "

"OK~" Judy agreed.

After a while, Yao Lei returned to the room, and Yao Yiyi's sound wave also arrived.

Just in case, they had to use sound waves to determine Yao Yiyi's identity during rescue. Otherwise, if you don’t see your face now, what should you do if you change people?

After all, now that there are spies on the island, it is likely that they have taken precautions.

Neo also analyzed Yao Lei's sound waves by the way, and he was prepared.

When Yao Lei returned to the room, Yao Yiyi went to the bathroom. Neo ignores her temporarily and focuses on Yao Lei.

The people on the island are very polite to Yao Lei and dare not arrange too many people to monitor him.

After he returned to the room, only two people were left at the door.

Others went back to their rooms to rest, waiting for the lights in the recuperation center to turn off, and Judy and Chameleon began to move.

The two of them swaggered in as if they were in no one.

When encountering a patrol in the middle, the two of them will either easily escape or kill them directly.

They know that it is impossible to take people away quietly, and they are ready to fight a tough battle.

But before starting the station, you must race against time to rescue Yao Lei, and don't attract anyone's attention during the rescue!

Yao Lei is safe, they are not afraid.

What I am afraid of is that he has to protect him in the rain of bullets!

Arriving outside Yao Lei's room and solving the guards, the chameleon found out: "I want a fingerprint and a password."

"Ah ah ah -" Angel screamed, "Mourinho is not, how do I set?"

"You only need to get the password." The chameleon pulled up the guard on the ground and pressed his finger on the sensor.

It really works!

What if Yao Lei has a sudden situation inside if the person at the door can't open the door?

An Qi quickly got the code. Chameleon opened the door and stood sideways at the door. You can see the situation in the room or the corridors on both sides. (To be continued~^~)

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