Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1354: Waiting for her and Julia to exchange souls

Sheng Yiting fastened his seat belt and turned on the navigation to find the nearest hospital. He called while driving to inform the other party to prepare for first aid. Then he called his assistant and asked him to go to the accident site to investigate the situation.

After doing this, he asked Simon: "Do you know her?"

Simon's reaction was a little abnormal, he could only guess this possibility.

"I have seen it once." Simon looked down at the woman in his arms, feeling her pulse getting weaker and weaker.

He remembered that she seemed to be Xin Rong. Last time she went to celebrate Sheng Yiting's birthday and she saw her in the airport cafe.

She should belong to the Chinese showbiz, is she here to participate in fashion week? How could you jump off the building?

Simon remembered that the place he had just passed by was like an art salon, and he didn't know what it was for. What she may be doing in this way.


At Santa Maria Hospital, King walked into the operating room surrounded by a group of people.

There are four people in the operating room--

An elderly man in a white medical coat is adjusting the instrument.

A beautiful and exquisite woman lying on the operating table with a dazed expression.

The remaining two young men in black suits saw King appear and immediately lowered their heads: "BOSS!"

The woman on the operating table raised her head and looked at King with bright eyes: "King..."

King ignored her and looked at the old man in a white coat: "Dr. Carter, how are you preparing?"

Carter said excitedly: "Sir, don't worry, I have studied this experiment for decades, and there will be no mistakes!"

King nodded in satisfaction, winking at the people behind him.

Soon a surgical cart came in and stopped by the operating table.

Julia on the operating table took a look and gasped.

There was a woman lying in the operating cart, and she looked three points similar to her, but... that seemed to be a dead person!

The man's skin was white and blue, and he didn't know how long he had been dead. There was frost all over his body, and he must have been kept in the ice store.

Julia was shivering and looked at King: "King...what, what is this going to do?"

King walked over, reached out his hand to support the back of her head, and kissed her forehead: "Hey, I will love you well in the future."

Carter got ready and turned around and said, "Miss Judy's body is no longer usable. You have to activate her brain first and get the brain electricity out..."

King put down Julia and asked, "That Julia's?"

"Naturally, they will switch, then..." Carter glanced at the pale Julia, smiled lightly, and said to King, "I will start now, do you want to be here, sir?"

"I want to watch her wake up with my own eyes." King turned and sat on the side of the chair, staring at Judy's body madly.

When she and Julia exchange their souls, her consciousness will be reborn in Julia's body. At that time, although she changed her face, she was still alive.

He doesn't care about the skin, only her.

Julia didn't know what they were talking about, she seemed to understand, and she didn't seem to understand, because what they were saying was incredible!

She struggled to get out of bed, King's gaze swept away like a sharp sword: "You lie down well."

"Honey—" Julia cried out in fear, "Did I do something wrong? Forgive me! I'll change it!"

King's men pressed her on the operating table and tied her body to the operating table with a belt.

She screamed, begged for mercy, wept bitterly, and asked loudly: "Are you going to kill me? You let me go-the devil!" (to be continued~^~)

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