"In the future, I will love you the most." King looked at her with a cold voice and no emotion.

Julia lay desperately on the operating table, her eyes widened, and she stared blankly at the ceiling.

It was raining outside the window, and the dull thunder was rolling in the clouds, as if it would fall at any time-burst the ground.

Sheng Yiting parked the car at the entrance of the hospital and found that the hospital had not arranged a stretcher to come out. He jumped out of the car and opened the rear door: "Hold in first!"

Simon got out of the car holding Xin Rong, and big raindrops fell on him. The sky was so dark, it was daytime, but it seemed to be dark.

The two walked quickly into the outpatient department and yelled twice before someone pushed the stretcher over.

Simon put Xin Rong up, followed behind, and watched her enter the operating room.

The doctor started to rescue Xin Rong in a hurry, and suddenly a thunderstorm came down, as if opening up the world, people in the whole city were startled.

The doctor was also startled, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took the defibrillator to rescue Xin Rong who was dying.

After several times, Xin Rong's heartbeat did not return to normal, but the electrocardiogram turned into a straight line instead.

The doctor sighed and was about to declare his death when another earth-shattering thunder blasted, scared him to forget the sound.

After the thunder, he let out a sigh of relief and was about to speak when he suddenly saw the heartbeat chart jump again.

Xin Rong on the operating table suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes sharp and murderous. The next second, she closed her eyes and fainted.

At this moment, in the operating room upstairs——

The EEG and ECG of Julia and Judy turned into a straight line at the same time. Carter couldn't believe it, and was in a hurry.

King stood up suddenly: "What's the matter?"

"How, how is it possible?" Carter stood blankly between the two operating tables, "It should be successful, how is it possible?"

King rushed over and grabbed him by the collar: "What's the matter?!"

"I..." Carter looked at him blankly, "How could it be possible to fail?"

"Failed?" King looked at Judy's corpse, and then at Julia next to him-also turned into a corpse.

The door of the operating room was suddenly kicked open. King looked over and the five of An Qi rushed in.

"You are a pervert, what are you going to do?" An Qi yelled and rushed to Judy.

Neo looked at Carter, his eyes narrowed: "He is not..."

He looked at the situation in the room, and suddenly looked at King: "You, think, what, what?!"

"What do you mean?" King asked rhetorically.

"You lunatic!" Neo walked to the operating table and tore off the instrument attached to Judy.

An Qi was holding Judy's cold body, shaking slightly.

She looked at Carter: "Are you the **** who presided over the double-S experiment? Do you want Judy to experiment?!"

"Let's go." Neo said.

Angie nodded and let go of Judy.

The Wolf King walked over and picked up the corpse, turned around, King's people blocked in front.

An Qi looked at King: "This kind of experiment is whimsical. Even if the souls are interchangeable, it is not something that can be done with a few wires! Are you crazy?"

"No!" Carter screamed, "Yes! I can!"

"Get out of the way!" An Qi yelled at the blocking dog in front.

King looked at Julia on the operating table, closed his eyes wearily, and waved his hand under his opponent.

The men stepped aside, An Qi and they took Judy away quickly.

Carter rushed over and wanted to keep them: "Don't go! Something must be wrong! Let me try again!" (to be continued~^~)

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