Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1388: Is it for that sweetheart?

"This Leishi has a little friendship." Tang Xinxin said, "I was an assistant before. After I became the host, she became an agent. As a result, she got married only two years."

She looked at Tian Cheng: "I remember you are alumni?"

Tian Cheng nodded: "I occasionally met at the banquet in the past few years and said a few words. She followed that Mu Xia and was really blind."

Tang Xinxin couldn't help but couldn't help but: "It's a pity, I got married when I started to look good in my career, otherwise I am now a senior agent."

"I think she is too stupid, wasting her great youth, and now starting from scratch, don't you lose? Even if you want to get married, you can't give up your career!"

Gong Mo murmured, "You are the opposite extreme."

Tian Cheng choked and said depressed: "Cousin, you always look at outsiders! I won't film this drama!"

"Why am I facing an outsider? Isn't that Yuanyuan's father? Besides, you wrote this drama yourself, so what do you do with me if you film it or not?"

Tian Cheng looked at her bitterly, her resentment was about to break through the sky.

Gong Mo hurriedly comforted: "Okay, okay... I won't say it! Since I wrote this story for me at the beginning, I will go and check it when I audition."

Tian Cheng smiled quickly: "I hope my brother-in-law will not be jealous~"

Tang Xinxin sighed: "I'm an old CP fan. Now I'm starting to fan your cousins ​​CP."

Gong Mo shivered, and hurriedly let go of Tian Cheng: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm straight."

Tian Cheng also said: "We are pure sisterhood. If you talk nonsense, what should I do if my brother-in-law lists me as a refusal?"

Tang Xinxin smiled: "Don't worry, I'll be cute silently."

Two people: "..."


When Gong Mo returned home, he called Simon to go home for dinner.

Simon pinched his fingers and was busy chasing the goddess recently. It seemed that he hadn't seen his sister for a long time, so he had to agree.

When I arrived at Sheng's house, there were only Gong Mo and Sheng Yiting in the living room.

He asked: "Where is Shuangxue?"

"Doing homework." Gong Mo smiled, "Come and sit down."

Simon sat over: "Brother-in-law hasn't come back yet?"

"I'm teaching Shuangxue homework."

Simon turned his head and asked Sheng Yiting: "Shuangxue hates you?"

Sheng Yiting was too lazy to talk to him.

Gong Mo smiled and looked at Simon thoughtfully.

Simon shivered, and asked vigilantly: "Sister...what do you see me doing?"

"I heard that you want to invest in movies. Recently you have been learning about related things?" Gong Mo asked with a smile.

"Uh... I, I can't just go to waste and idle forever? If I have time, of course I will do some business."

"Is it for that sweetheart?" Gong Mo smiled.

Simon: "..." No need to ask how she knew it, it must be the fuck!

"It just so happens that I will go to the audition for her new role with your cousin tomorrow. You can also go together to learn more about the relevant knowledge."

Simon's forehead bounced: tomorrow? Audition? Isn’t that "Mystery City Mystery Collection"? Xin Rong is going to audition too! Did your sister know something?

Gong Mo said: "I know, the main purpose of your making such a big noise is to chase that girl? But serious men are the most attractive. Any kind of girl can't resist. You do it, just do it well. When you do, she will be tempted just by looking at your serious attitude!"

Simon felt reasonable, nodded, and then asked: "Sister, do you know who she is?" (to be continued~^~)

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