"What do you mean?"

Simon said discouragedly: "You must know! Can't you pretend not to know and let me chase it?"

"I didn't say I would help you chase it! Do you still want to rely on others for your life-long events?"

"Then don't interfere!"

"Who's going to intervene? Can't I see it next to me?"


"Then I won't go, you can go yourself." Gong Mo said, "Anyway, your cousin will go, she will tell me."

"..." This day can't be passed!

Gong Mo smiled and patted him on the head: "Okay, don't be angry. Just chase it straight, what are you doing sneakily? It makes us shameless. Don't worry, everyone really doesn't want to do it for you. Destroy, I'm afraid you won't be able to marry—"

"Because of this! I don't want to let you know! You are afraid that I won't be able to marry, so you want to help, but it doesn't help.

"I want to be beautiful!" Gong Mo glared at him, "His own wife chases after him. This is a test for you! My wife can't chase on her own, what's the point of raising you?"

Sheng Yiting felt 10,000 tons of injuries. Probably he was the most useless, he ran away after chasing him. Suddenly, I really hope that Simon's love is not going well, otherwise he will become a control group.

Simon suddenly turned his head and said to him, "Why don't you go with me."

Otherwise, he is alone, isn't Sima Zhao's heart and everyone knows?

Sheng Yiting followed, and if Xin Rong asked again, he would have a reason. Can't Sheng Yiting like her too?

Sheng Yiting refused without thinking.

"You don't work now!" Simon was dissatisfied.

"Who said I won't work anymore?" Sheng Yi gave him a glance, "I'm going on a business trip, I don't have time to be crazy with you."


The audition for "Mystery City Mystery Collection" was held at Stellar Entertainment.

Most of the actors who came to the audition were artists from Stellar Entertainment, and there were also a few artists from other companies.

Gong Mo couldn't say it, but how could he really not come? Anyway, I’m working upstairs, so I can take time to take a look.

Simon arrived early and sat next to her behind the table. He is on the far right, counting to the left, Gong Mo, Tian Cheng, Zeng Shuai, the director and so on.

He was very excited at first, waiting for Xin Rong to play. After waiting for two hours without coming, he couldn't help but slumped in his chair and yawned.

Gong Mo said in his ear: "Your bad luck, you got the back number."

"Huh..." Simon said dissatisfied, "You did it on purpose!"

Gong Mo thinks that his arrogant look is too cute, Sheng Yiting has never been so cute—no, he was cute when he was a child, the more boring he grew up.

It's better for Simon, and he will still be like a child now.

Men who are childlike are good men.

She couldn't help but slapped his head with her hand, Simon shook his head and looked at her with a grieving look: People are no longer young! Don't rub it!

When the door opened, Simon glanced casually, and he was shocked, and the chair fell over as soon as he turned over.

Everyone was shocked and all looked over.

Xin Rong at the door sneered, then put his smile away and said to the director: "Sorry, I'm here again."

The director was taken aback: What are you doing from the new? You haven't started yet!

But Xin Rong had already retired.

Gong Mo glared at Simon: "Not promising!"

Simon got up and said bitterly, "You did it on purpose!"


"..." I can't play happily with this sister! But the goddess just laughed so beautifully, and it's worth a smile to fight against the goddess! (To be continued~^~)

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