Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1405: The beautiful man and the good wine are from the palace!

Xin can't help but feel bored: What is his nerve?

Soon, Simona brought two glasses of red wine in from a goblet.

He found that the atmosphere in the room was so strong that it was intoxicating, but the outside was refreshing and sobering.

However, he likes the intoxication now. The beauty and the wine are all his!

"Here." He handed the red wine to Xin Rong.

Xin Rong glanced at him, took it with a smile, and touched the cup in his hand--a beautiful man and a good wine, all from the palace!

Simon sat aside and looked at her secretly.

She is truly beautiful like never before!

And he didn't expect her to be the first time, and he was very happy at once. It turns out that the goddess is passionate about him, not because she is casual, but because she likes him!

Otherwise, how to explain it?

Simon swears excitedly in his heart: Since the goddess likes me so much and doesn't care about others' opinions, I must not let her down! I want to treat her well, love her well, and protect her well...

Xin Rong turned his head and met his affectionately staring eyes, and was slightly taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Simon smiled evilly, put down the wine glass and approached her, lowered his voice and asked in a bewildered voice: "The night is long, can you fight again?"

He swears that he will be gentle this time and give her a different feeling, making her fall in love with this sport ever since.

Xin Rong's expression stiffened: Still fighting? He doesn't know how it hurts!

But she is the queen of the mercenary world, how can she be easily subdued? !

She put down the cup and responded domineeringly: "Come on!"


When Simon woke up, he found himself empty and Xin Rong disappeared.

He sat up suddenly and listened carefully, there was a sound outside.

It is obvious that she has gotten up.

But when did she get up? Why didn't he notice it at all?

He slept with countless women, and he always got up first. How could a woman get up first?

There are two reasons for this-

First, his physical strength is so good. After a woman is tossed by him, she will definitely be too tired. There will be ghosts before him!

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, maybe Xin Rong is so talented~

Anyway, her weirdness has been there from the beginning, otherwise it won't attract herself.

But the second reason doesn't make sense.

who is he? Mafia boss! His vigilance is quite high! Even if you fall asleep, you will wake up immediately if there is any disturbance around you!

How could Xin Rong not wake him up? ! This is too strange!

Simon grabbed his hair and thought, could it be that he vented too much last night and was too tired?

Recalling the scene last night carefully, he found that everything was hazy, beautiful hazy.

The incense must be too fragrant!

Simon lifted the quilt and got out of the bed, found his clothes beside the bed, froze for a moment, picked it up and put it on, feeling even more depressed!

When he went to bed yesterday, he planned: get up early this morning and ask the chef of the hotel to make a few delicious breakfasts to be delivered; prepare a bunch of brightly budding roses.

By the way, I have to buy her a new set of clothes... forget it! She is at home and she is not wearing it. This bridge section can be used for the next time she spends the night in the hotel.

who knows……

Sleep in and ruin everything! The character reversed instantly, and she prepared his clothes for him!

Although he replaced it yesterday, the nature of this matter is still inexplicably painful.

Simon got dressed and walked out of the room angrily.

Xin Rong just came out of the kitchen with breakfast and smiled at him: "Are you awake? Let's wash up first, I have already prepared the meal. There are new toothbrushes and new towels in the bathroom." (To be continued~^~)

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