Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1406: Are you dissatisfied with my performance?

Simon watched her walk into the living room, and then walked into the bathroom depressedly.

He saw himself in the mirror-frowning, not handsome!

He frowned, and after thinking about it, he was suddenly relieved: She must have loved herself miserably, so she got up early in the morning to make breakfast!

Simon was happy all of a sudden, and went out. Xin Rong sat at the small table and called him: "Come and eat. I don't know what you like to eat. Just make something."

She doesn't know how to cook Chinese food, but she can do some simple Western food, so she made two cups of coffee and two sandwiches.

Simon has always eaten these, and he didn't think anything was wrong.

He sat opposite her and looked at her while eating.

Regarding what happened last night, she didn't seem to have any discomfort-no aftertaste, no shyness, as if it were taken for granted.

Simon is a little bit shy.

I’ve only been in close contact with each other last night, but now I’m not a little bit tender, it’s so strange...

After eating half of the breakfast quickly, Simon asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"go to company."

Simon's eyes lit up: "I will send you!"

"No need. I don't want to be misunderstood and say what I have with you."

Simon lowered his face: "What do you have with me!"

"But I don't want people to think that I was submerged by you."

Simon paused and said helplessly: "Well...but, it doesn't matter if I send you there, right? I don't get out of the car or enter your company."

Xin Rong thought for a while and nodded.

Simon became happy, leaned against her, and asked concerned: "Are you enough to eat so much? I can cook too, should I stop cooking?"

"Enough. I make it myself, so I can eat it myself. If you are not full, you can do it yourself."

"Enough is enough...I am too!" He wasn't full, he just wanted to show a little gentleness!


On the way to the company, Xin Rong was reading the script with him.

Simon looked at her and looked at her again, feeling depressed: Why is she not shy at all? As if nothing happened...

Xin Rong suddenly put down the script and turned to look at him: "If you don't drive well, why do you always peek at me?"

Simon was startled and denied: "Who is peeking at you?"

"I found it all, do you still want to quibble?"

"I...I just wanted to ask, are you dissatisfied with my performance last night?"

Simon finished speaking and stared straight ahead, not daring to look at her face.

Hmph, she must be dissatisfied with him, otherwise, how could she get up earlier than him and still have no response?

Xin Rong was taken aback, and asked amusedly: "What's wrong? Don't worry, I'm very satisfied. But now I'm going to work, I'll make an appointment with you someday~"

"..." Fuck! What's her tone? It seems that he is an unreasonable little daughter-in-law!

Simon suffocated his breath and stepped on the accelerator to the end, and soon reached the Huanmo Building.

Xin Rong glanced at him and picked up his things to get out of the car.

He suddenly turned his head: "Really don't let me go in with you?"

"It's not the first time I'm here. How can you make any difference with me?" Xin Rong leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, "seeyou."

"...Seeyou." Simon responded in a daze.

When she got out of the car, he always felt uncomfortable. This was a feeling he had never felt before!


Yes, it is aggrieved!

The first time a woman slept, she was aggrieved.

Simon got out of the car suddenly and walked towards the building.

Xin Rong turned back when he heard the voice, frowning and looking at him dissatisfied.

Didn’t you say you won’t come in? Why doesn't this person talk about credit? (To be continued~^~)

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