Simon walked to her and stopped for a while: "My sister works here, I'll look for her."

"Oh." Xin Rong had no objection, turned and left.

Simon twisted his eyebrows depressed, remembering something suddenly, and walked to the front desk of the hotel.

He opened the best room in the hotel, entered the room through the hotel's special elevator, and called his staff to bring the luggage from another hotel.

After explaining, he threw the phone on the bed and fell down depressed.

Lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, he was depressed for a while, but he still felt upset, and got up again to call Sheng Yiting.

As soon as the phone was connected, he shouted: "I was counterattacked by someone—"

"Are you coming out to me?" Sheng Yi Ting asked calmly.

"...Go!" Simon yelled, "I mean—I met a woman, and she looked like a man!"

"What's the problem with your aesthetics?" Sheng Yiting was puzzled, "Can't catch Xin Rong, have you abandoned yourself?"

"Who said I couldn't catch it? I did it! I spent the night with her last night! But she—she is not soft except for her body! Isn't it weird? How can such a woman be?"

"What's weird? Isn't there a kind of woman called a female man?"

Sheng Yiting thought of Tong Siyao, who was actually quite a female man. However, she is a mentally female man, and she usually can't see it, because she just feels puzzled by her style. But at the critical moment, she showed it-her thinking and cognition are biased towards men.

Simon suddenly realized: "Yes, yes, yes... She is a girl! Do you know how terrible last night? When she undressed, I was afraid she would pull out the gun from below!"

Sheng Yiting had a black line: "I understand! Between you and Xin Rong, you are the victim, and she is the attack!"

"I am male!"

"This is not about gender, but about aura!"

"Who am I? Will my aura lose her?"

"However, you did lose. If Xin Rong is a man, you are 100% the one below."

"Hehe... That's because she, she has little experience, I let her!" Simon wouldn't tell another man that Xin Rong was the first time. Hum, he can only know this secret.

However, Sheng Yiting understood.

It's really strange: Under normal circumstances, if a man gets a woman for the first time, he will definitely show off, but Simon hides it. What does it mean?

He shook his head, regardless. Anyway, since Simon met Xin Rong, his IQ had not been online, just like a neurotic.


Xin Rong walked into Leishi's office. Leishi was talking to the two newcomers. When she saw her, she said immediately: "You came right. I picked them up. You send them to the studio. I'm going to talk about it. Contract. If they don't understand, you can teach it."

"Okay~" Xin Rong glanced at the two of them, and readily agreed.

Leishi gave her her car key: "Can you drive?"

"Yes." Xin Rong took the key, "Which crew is it?"

Leishi gave the specific information, and Xin Rong took someone away.

As soon as I entered the parking lot, I received a text message from Leishi: "They don't work much. I want to arrange one for you as an assistant. It is convenient for you to go out and they can also learn something. You can pick one yourself."

Xin Rong glanced at the two of them--

Both are very beautiful, one with melon seeds and one round face. The round face is called Han Mei. He is taller and has a somewhat introverted personality. Guazi face Miffy, eyes flying, looking not easy to get along with, but will take the initiative to come. (To be continued~^~)

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