Xin Rong felt that one of the two men was bad and the other was clearly bad.

After getting in the car, Han Mei and Miffy sat in the back, and Xin Rong started the car.

The car drove out of the underground parking lot, and when she passed the main entrance of the building, she saw Simon's car was still there.

She twisted her eyebrows and the phone rang.

At first glance, it was an unfamiliar number, she didn't care.

Can't let her pick it up without a Bluetooth headset? Getting caught by the traffic police is in trouble!

She suddenly remembered that Xin Rong himself had never taken a driver's license.

Ahem... She can't be blamed for this, because she is good at driving herself, who cares about these details?

The phone rang for a while and hung up. Miffy asked, "Sister Xin Rong, why don't you pick it up?"

"The unfamiliar number may be a wrong number."

"Oh..." Miffy and Chen Mei glanced at each other and sat obediently.

Xin Rong had a powerful aura that made them dare not make any trouble, and they dare not say much.

After a while, the call came again.

Xin Rong saw that it was that number again, and suddenly thought: It's not Simon Gambino?

She clicked to answer and then hands-free.

"Are you busy?" Simon's casual voice came. "Why didn't you pick up just now?"




"No..." Simon heard that it was hands-free, and said gloomily, "You didn't wear headphones?"

Xin Rong smiled: "I haven't brought my driver's license yet."

"..." The goddess would actually be joking?

But listening to the tone, it seems that he is not welcome.

It must be his illusion!

"What the hell?!" Xin Rong asked seriously.

Chen Mei and Miffy shuddered, and she felt as if she was saying: Something starts to play, nothing happens to retreat!

Simon asked awkwardly, "Do you have time at noon?"

"Uh-huh~ something?" Xin Rong smiled, thinking that this person is nothing like the legend, it is too funny to tease.

Simon feels that this woman is really not on the road!

At this time, if someone asks you if you have time, can you just answer it directly?

I slept last night, how about you? Are you afraid that I am not responsible? !

"We will eat together when we have time." Simon said without ups and downs.

Xin Rong seemed to see his depressed expressionless face, and smiled: "I have something to do now, and I don't know if I will have time at noon, but there must be at night."

"That dinner together."

"Okay, contact me then." Xin Rong was about to hang up, and suddenly asked, "Where did you get my phone?"

"Just ask it!" Simon said irritably, hung up the phone first, feeling refreshed.

Xin Rong raised an eyebrow. What an awkward man, he didn't say anything about gentlemanly, he actually hung up the girl's phone first!

Miffy asked in a low voice, "Sister Xin Rong, is it your boyfriend?"

"Bed partner." Xin Rong said concisely.

Miffy and Chen Mei opened their mouths and were startled.

They couldn't understand Xin Rong's thoughts!

What kind of relationship does it have to say that the other person is a bed partner?

Even if he is taken up by someone, he will proudly say that he is his boyfriend. if not? Is it an exchange of interests and no feelings? That will look down upon people.

They think Xin Rong is really a freak!

The two looked at each other, stopped talking, and really didn't know what to say.

If Xin Rong said it was her boyfriend, they might speculate maliciously: Are you a junior?

As a result, a "bed partner" was directly said, as if she had put people to sleep and dived, making people nowhere to suffocate.

Could it be...

Is she taking care of others? (To be continued~^~)

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