Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1410: I heard that Sister Xin Rong and King Su have been dating?

He was also in the body's original memory, and he and "Xin Rong" had a relationship at the airport. But at that time, he did not pay special attention to "her". Even in the hospital in country Y, his attitude is not enthusiastic.

So, he was the self he liked later, the real self?

Xin Rong was pleased with this guess, put down his phone and watched the person next to him filming.

The spring sun is a bit warm, and it feels warm on the body.

She couldn't help taking a nap until the phone rang.

She opened her eyes and remembered the days when she used to fight and kill, compared with the present... it was really like a lifetime.

The past will never come again, can she live like an ordinary girl?

How do ordinary girls live?

Love, marriage, family?

She lowered her head, saw Simon sent a message again, and asked: What are you doing now?

"Bored," she replied.

"Shall I find you?"

Xin Rong smiled and sent him a location.

Suddenly, a lively voice came.

She looked over and saw a group of people crowded together, it seemed that some big man had come.

She sat on the railing and didn't move. After a while, seeing the group of people getting more and more lively, Miffy and Chen Mei also joined in the fun.

However, Miffy and Chen Mei were bluffing, they couldn't squeeze in for a while, and retired boredly.

The two walked to Xin Rong's side, and Miffy asked suspiciously, "Sister Xin Rong is so calm, are you not curious about who is here?"

"Who?" Xin Rong asked lightly.

Chen Mei smiled and said: "It's Actor Su. I heard that Sister Xin Rong and Actor Su have been dating?"

Xin Rong gave her a heavy look: "Who did you hear?"

The real Xin Rong was killed by Su Yisheng!

and many more……

Xin Rong suddenly discovered that this anger did not come from himself, but the original owner of the body.

The real Xin Rong, who is extremely disgusted with others linking her and Su Yisheng together?

Although her consciousness is no longer there, only some memories remain. But things that touch the depths of memory will still be conditioned.

Xin Rong sighed softly and asked, "Why is King Su here?"

Chen Mei glanced at her timidly, but did not dare to speak. The glance just made her heart hurt.

Xin Rong glanced at her coldly, too lazy to care about her.

Blame others for not doing something wrong? Where do ordinary people know that "Xin Rong" is related to Su Yisheng, and they don't know where they heard it!

But Miffy knows how to be a human being, and immediately said, "It seems that she came to see Sister Yu Lin."

"Yu Lin?"

"Yes, she played the female number one in this play."

Xin Rong nodded. Yu Lin knew that she played the forensic doctor in "Mystery City Mystery Collection".

"Today is the finale of Yu Lin." Miffy said with a smile, "Sister Yu Lin is my idol. She acts like an actress. She must be the next actress! I heard that Xin Rong will play "Mystery City Mystery Collection" next. "Do you have a rivalry?"

Xin Rong thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I play the role with her the most."

At that time, she would have to see, Yu Lin has a few kilos.

Chen Mei glanced at the crowd, and whispered, "Brother Sheng is here, don't you stop taking pictures?"

"Let’s eat lunch soon, maybe we will wait until the afternoon." Miffy comforted, "Anyway, if he doesn’t come, our scene will definitely have to wait until the afternoon."

Chen Mei sighed: "That's right... We are newcomers. We only have to wait. I don't know which day we can let others wait." (To be continued~^~)

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