Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1411: I apologize to you

Miffy covered her mouth and giggled, her eyes crescent.

Xin Rong saw that he was really inhumane.

She originally liked Chen Mei's looks better, but Miffy became a bit sharp, which made people dislike it at first glance.

But after hearing the two talk, she found that Miffy was not as brainless as she seemed. As for Chen Mei, he looks kind and harmless, but he is a hidden traitor.

Fortunately, Miffy also has a snack machine, and she is obedient and doesn't agree, otherwise Chen Mei will definitely step on her to climb up in the future. What kind of friendship will be today?


As expected, the crew ended early, and the filming will continue in the afternoon.

Su Yisheng invited the chief creative staff to dinner. Everyone knew that he came this time for Yu Lin, and they all refused.

Su Yisheng took Yu Lin away, and the rest were waiting to receive the lunch.

Xin Rong stared at Su Yisheng, his hand clenched into a fist unconsciously.

Su Yisheng suddenly looked over and paused.

Yu Lin asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Seeing him looking here, she also looked over.

Faced with Xin Rong's beautiful face, she felt a little bit in her heart, and a sense of crisis immediately rose.

Yu Lin has been in the circle for many years, and she became a hit at first.

At that time someone wanted to dive into her, she thought proudly, if she didn't go through these sideways, she would speak with strength!

However, the facts gave her a resounding slap.

When he was popular, he was hidden in the snow. Later, he was lucky enough to enter Stellar Entertainment, and finally he could act well.

She has played all roles in these years, and her acting skills are not bad, but she has never had the resources of the film industry.

She has a bit of status in TV circles, but in film circles...hehe, newcomers are not as good.

The big directors and movie kings in the movie circle are not fuel-efficient lamps. How many of the female stars who made movies have not been sneaked by them?

If she wants to go in, she must be prepared.

However, even if she is prepared, she may not be appreciated by others.

Su Yisheng suddenly showed her favor at this time, and of course she had to seize this opportunity.

Su Yisheng is one of the best places in the film industry. With him, are you afraid that you don't have any resources?

Su Yisheng seems to really like this Xinrong.

When Yu Lin saw it, she became nervous.

Su Yisheng dropped her and walked towards Xin Rong.

Yu Lin eagerly followed, carefully observing his look.

Su Yisheng looked down at Xin Rong, his eyes deep: "Long time no see."

Xin Rong turned at the beginning and ignored him.

Su Yisheng's expression changed.

Miffy and Chen Mei next to them were terrified. They didn't expect Xin Rong to be so inactive, even Su Yisheng dared to offend them.

Chen Mei hurriedly took Miffy and ran away. Miffy didn't want to be so unrighteous, but Chen Mei dragged her so hard that she didn't dare to shout and could only be dragged away.

Su Yisheng bent down and asked Xin Rong, "Are you still angry? Let's have a meal together. I apologize to you."

Xin Rong turned his head, disgusting that he was so close. She glanced at Yu Lin and said, "If someone is waiting for you, I won't go."

Su Yisheng glanced at Yu Lin. Yu Lin's smile froze and said wittyly: "I can eat by myself."

Xin Rong's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Simon.

She answered the phone and heard Simon ask: "Where are you exactly?"

"Are you here?" Xin Rong stood up, "I'll find you."

Putting down the phone, she said to Su Yisheng: "Sorry, I have an appointment."

She turned around and went straight away.

Su Yisheng stared at her back, squinted his eyes, his heart was full of discomfort.

Yu Lin glanced at him, lowered her head and said nothing.

After a while, Su Yisheng said, "Let's go."

Yu Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed. (To be continued~^~)

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