Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1412: you're so sight

Xin Rong walked out of the shooting base and saw Simon leaning in front of a sports car from a distance.

He was wearing a white shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned, exposing a large chest, and his chest muscles could be faintly visible.

Don't look at him with a pale face, but he is very fleshy... She had already felt it seriously last night.

Xin Rong smiled and walked over, and Simon stood up straight, seeming a little nervous.

Xin Rong walked up to him and glanced at his chest: "Isn't it cold?"

Simon blurted out: "I only feel hot when I see you!"

Xin Rong choked and cursed: "Rogue!"

Simon was startled and blamed himself for being careless. They only slept once, so how can they make jokes if they are not so familiar with them?

He said pitifully, "I didn't mean to be a hooligan."

"Really?" Xin Rong raised his eyebrows, walked to the co-pilot's side, and blinked at her, "But I happen to like gangsters very much."

Simon was taken aback, and felt even more aggrieved: he knew she was not a normal woman! Since you like hooligans, why scold him again? This is simply molesting! unacceptable!

Seeing that she was about to open the door, he hurried over: "I'm here—"

The first rule of a gentleman is to open the door to a lady. How can she come by herself?

When he ran to the door of the car, Xin Rong was already seated and slammed the door shut, almost pinching his nose.

Xin Rong rolled down the car window, looked at him and asked, "You want to sit here?"

"No—" No.

"Then I'll drive." Xin Rong moved directly to the driver's seat and whistled at the steering wheel, "This car is not bad, you are very discerning~"

"That's natural!" Simon had to take the co-pilot, "The woman I have met in my life, count you the best, you know how foresight I am~"

"Very good at talking." Xin Rong smiled at him, feeling his sweet words very comfortable.

Simon touched his nose and suddenly saw Su Yisheng and Yu Lin walking out of the shooting base.

He hurriedly asked Xin Rong: "That's not—"

"Huh?" Xin Rong raised an eyebrow.

Simon gritted his teeth, glared at Su Yisheng bitterly, and said to her, "Drive!"

As soon as Xin Rong stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out.

Simon thought she was too angry to see Su Yisheng, so she stepped on the accelerator so thoroughly, and comforted: "Don't worry, I will avenge you."

"No, I'll do it myself."

Su Yisheng did not harm her, it was "Xin Rong." Simon likes himself, so he can't be wronged.

"Xin Rong"'s hatred, she came to repay. As for her man, she only needs to do things for her.


Su Yisheng watched Simon's car leave with bitterness, and turned to ask Yu Lin: "I heard that the crew of "Mystery City Mystery Collection" had dinner yesterday. Xin Rong left with an investor?"

Yu Lin nodded and looked at the direction of the car leaving: "That's it."

Such a handsome investor, she will never forget it forever!

I have to say that Xin Rong's luck is really good.

"What's the origin?" Su Yisheng frowned.

He hadn't seen the other person's appearance just now, but he was obviously handsome.

He gritted his teeth with hatred. Xin Rong didn't obey him before, because he must be considered not tall, rich and handsome enough to look down on him!

Yu Lin said cautiously: "I don't know what the origin is, the company seems to be called Huo Huo Huo... I have never heard of it before."

"Let's go and eat."

After entering the hotel's private room, Su Yisheng called someone to check the information of the company "Huo Huo Huo". As a result, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce did not record it at all. (To be continued~^~)

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