Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1422: She's still a little excited

The director auditioned more than ten actors, but couldn't find the feeling.

Many people play this role too exaggerated!

A small number of people can master the coquettish part, but the domineering contempt for everything is not enough. Those who can perform domineering are all old actors, and they are not good in appearance and do not meet the setting of "beautiful".

Xin Rong is very confident.

She can't be gentle, but domineering is born with her.

In fact, what the role of Hongtan wants is not domineering, but self-confidence, a kind of blind self-confidence. She was so confident that she had nothing to see, and she seemed naturally domineering.

Xin Rong feels that if the director he plays is not good enough, then the director must be too blind!

As the all-around assistant of "do everything", Simon naturally accompanies Xin Rong to audition.

After Xin Rong entered, he sat outside and waited.

Outside there are a crowd of actors waiting to audition. When Xin Rong was there, everyone didn't dare to talk to Simon. Now that Xin Rong is gone, someone eagerly leaned in, pretending to be a fool and asked, "Are you also an actor?"

The watch he wears is worth millions; the clothes are high-end, with a set of at least several hundred thousand, which must be the gold master! If you can hold your thighs, your future career will be smoother.

Simon said, "I am an assistant."

"..." Fuck! Is the standard of assistants so high now? Half-blood handsome guy, still a local tyrant! Don't lie or draft!

Simon looked at the door ahead and waited patiently.

After more than ten minutes, Xin Rong came out, everyone looked at it, and there was only one thought in their minds: I want to see where you are! How dare to use Gao Fushuai as an assistant!

Simon jumped over and asked intently: "How?"

Xin Rong smiled confidently: "Who is it for me?"

She just acted carefully according to the script, and the director immediately nodded.

"Then we're going to eat." Simon followed her dogmatically.

Everyone saw that he really looked like a small assistant trying to please the boss. He didn't know how depressed he was, and he wondered if his outfit was true or false.

Entering the elevator, Simon asked, "When will this movie start?"

"I'll join the group in two days."

"Will you collide with the detective drama?"

"Probably..." Xin Rong said, "but I don’t have a lot of scenes in "Mystery City Mystery", so I just passed it temporarily. With my acting skills, it can be done in minutes, at most a day or two. If there are both sides Conflict, let Leishi negotiate."

Xin Rong attaches great importance to this play, which is equivalent to her first real acting. And this drama, although the original body has played the female second, but the role is not as much as the female third.

No matter from which way, this is a challenge and an opportunity for her.

The original owner did not stir the wind and rain in the entertainment circle, let her start here!

And she likes this role very much, plus the beautiful appearance in the Chinese costume drama, she is still a little excited~


Halfway through lunch, Simon answered the phone and his face changed immediately.

Xin Rong saw that something big happened and asked, "What's wrong?"

Simon put down his phone and said solemnly: "A big deal. I think you are a mixed race, where is your nationality?"

Xin Rong was taken aback and became nervous: "I am Emilia, what happened?"

Since the question of nationality is asked, should it be an international event?

Could it be the coup d'etat in China, to deal with foreign friends? He is a foreigner, but with Sheng Nanxuan's relationship, it is not surprising to know the above movement. But because of Sheng Nanxuan's presence, a coup is impossible!

So this matter, how can I guess. (To be continued~^~)

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