Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1423: Yao Lei had another accident

Simon frowned and said in a low voice: "A civil airliner in China was hijacked within the territory. It has now flown abroad and is missing."

Xin Rong's eyes widened suddenly, this is really a big deal!

"China attaches great importance to this matter. It is possible that foreigners like us will be restricted and investigated."

"I see..." Xin Rong murmured, thinking quickly: Who did it and what purpose? If oneself is investigated, will "resurrection with a corpse" be discovered? At this time, if you contact Neo and the others, will you show your feet instead?

Seeing her look sluggish, Simon thought she was scared, and secretly said: No matter how powerful she is, she is just a girl...

He patted her hand distressedly: "Don't be afraid, it's just a cutscene, and I'm still there. I'm a guest of honor at the state banquet, so nothing will happen."

Xin Rong looked at him and suddenly smiled.

Her smile was real and calm, and she didn't look scared at all.

Simon was taken aback: See the ghost! Why is she not afraid?

He suddenly remembered that her behavior was too fearless, showing that she has a very strong psychological endurance, shouldn't it... is there really any problem?

Xin Rong raised his hand and touched his face. He suddenly returned to his senses and looked at her.

She smiled: "Are you doubting me?"


"It's normal to doubt. I'm so powerful, of course not a mortal."


"But at this time you can think of protecting me, I am very touched. If I really get in danger, you will save me... I will be even more touched." Moved to marry him into the house, let him be Xiang Xu!


Xin Rong got the news in advance of the plane. She used her mobile phone to go online and did not see any news. After eating, he told Simon that he would go home.

Simon was notified because Sheng Nanxuan wanted to use the channels of the Gambino family to secretly investigate. Simon was going to deal with related matters, and after listening to her, he didn't force it.

Xin Rong returned home and immediately turned on the computer.

Martial law is bound to be everywhere at this time, and the Internet is no exception.

She wanted to hack China's related systems to see specific news and dare not. If there is an expert defense at this time, don't you go to the net?

She sent a message to Neo to learn about their situation in Hollywood by the way.

They have money and nothing is a matter. An Qi successfully squeezed into Hollywood and began her acting career. Qian Kang Kang Kang smashed down, what well-known producers, well-known directors, well-known actors...all go to her as green leaves!

Xin Rong turned on the TV when he came back, and was exchanging experiences with An Qi, and heard the news broadcast on the TV-after taking off at Xizha Airport, a civil airliner full of more than 200 people was hijacked and flew westward. In China, the plane has lost contact. I don’t know if it’s still in the air or who did it.

The news released the flight number, and Neo quickly "blacked" the list of people on the plane.

Xin Rong took a look, and Neo thoughtfully helped her circle a name.

Xin Rong took a look: "FUCK!"

It was Yao Lei!

She rescued people after losing her life, and this group of haybags lost people in a blink of an eye? More than two hundred lives of innocent lives?

Xin Rong remembered that Simon said that China attaches great importance to this matter. At that time, he also thought: Such a big matter, any country will pay attention to it! Now she understands that this is value multiplied by value!

Xin Rong squinted his eyes and began to think: Are they from Misty Island? why? (To be continued~^~)

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