Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1500: Was hit in the waist by a stray bullet

After Simon and Lu Fei arrived in Emilia, they donated some money to the current ruling government, and the ruling government arranged for police to **** them and lead them to avoid trouble on the way.

Lu Wei brought two ice coffins, dragged them directly to the hospital, took out the bodies of Lu Yang and Helen, and went to the refugee camp to collect their belongings.

Simon took the opportunity to find Xin Rong. Xin Rong was attending class with the children and saw him put down his pen and ran out: "When did you come?"

"Just now. Lu Duo is over there to pack her parents' things, and they will go back to the hotel later." Simon asked hurriedly, "When can you go back?"

"I will go to Africa tomorrow and stay in Africa for a week."

Simon paused: "Then you may not be able to keep up with the funeral."

Xin Rong sighed: "I should have gone. But if I can't make it, I can't help it."

"Lu Duo and they will leave tomorrow. I will take them to the airport and stay with you."

"No! I'll be fine. Africa is very safe. You don't need to follow me. If you don't worry, you can wait until I get on the plane tomorrow. I may not be able to keep up with the funeral. You can't help but go."

"This..." Simon was also embarrassed.

Although he and Lu Yang have not seen him a few times, they have been in friendship with Lu Duo since they were young (although they are very strange now), and Lu Yang's funeral will not go away.

"You take care of them first." Xin Rong said, "Don't worry about me. Even if you worry about me, don't make mistakes."

Simon said helplessly: "Okay."

After thinking about it all night, he decided to send Lu Fei and Lu Duo back to China.

Early the next morning, I was just about to go for a meal, and a Doctor Without Borders I met in the refugee camp yesterday came over.

Lu Fei thought there was something to do with Lu Yang, and hurriedly invited him into the room.

Simon was afraid of delays and asked someone to bring breakfast to the room.

Lu Duo glanced at the doctor and wiped away tears from the corner of the sofa.

The doctor was a little embarrassed: "At this time, I really shouldn't bother..."

When Lu Wei heard this, he knew that it had nothing to do with Lu Yang.

The other party said hesitantly: "I want to ask Mr. Lu for a favor. If Mr. Lu feels embarrassed, just treat it as if I hadn't said it."

"Please tell me." Lu Fei said.

The other party breathed a sigh of relief, and said the matter as it was: "Last night we received a wounded person who was hit in the waist by a stray bullet. The situation was a bit serious. She... She was a girl and had a good relationship with Lu Yang and Hailun before. Lu Yang When she died with Helen, she happened to see it with her own eyes. Although she saw a lot of life and death in this place, she still couldn't bear it when people close to her left. She is not strong in the will to survive now, and I think the environment here is not suitable for her to heal, so I thought Please Mr. Lu for a favor and take her back to China. She is a Chinese."

Simon asked suspiciously: "Who is it? Have we met yesterday?"

The other party shook his head: "She is a reporter and went to the front line for an interview yesterday."

Simon listened and looked at Lu Wei.

Lu Fei said, "Since it is Lu Yang's friend, we should naturally help. Where is she now?"

"Temporarily transferred to a nearby hospital. It's more than ten minutes' drive from here."

"Then I will pick her up." Simon said, "Brother Lu Fei, you have to eat first."

"You haven't eaten either." Lu Fei said.

"It's okay, I'll eat while walking." Simon stood up, "I'll go and get people settled."

Lu Fei nodded. He was a little tired and didn't care about these things, so he had to let it go to Simon. (To be continued.)

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